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CDC Evaluation Winter Course (SBS 550) Information Session

Join us to hear about our unique winter course with the CDC! We will provide an overview of the application process, timeline, course structure, and student expectations. The course application is open to current Harvard graduate students and will be due in mid-October.

Quantitative Issues in Cancer Research Working Group Seminar

Building 2, Room 426

Anuraag Gopaluni, PhD Candidate, Department of Biostatistics, Harvard University Methods for accurate real-time estimates of death in the context of reporting delays Abstract: State-level mortality data in the United States is subject to reporting delays of up to 18 weeks, causing gaps between reported and true mortality in the short-term. Existing methods for correcting gaps...

Digital Safety Discotech

Kresge Building

This interactive workshop will provide attendees with the space and instructions to take action to protect their digital safety. Attendees will rotate through tables that will assist them in taking...

Digital Safety Discotech

Kresge Building

This interactive workshop will provide attendees with the space and instructions to take action to protect their digital safety. Attendees will rotate through tables that will assist them in taking...

Harvard Humanitarian Initiative Virtual Open House for Harvard Schools and Teaching Hospitals

Please join the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI) on September 12, 2024, at 10 am ET for a virtual showcase of our global work to improve the lives of communities in humanitarian crises. HHI is a university-wide academic and research center in humanitarian crisis and leadership supported by Harvard University's Office of the Provost. Based at...

Last Date to add/drop/change – HSPH Courses: Fall & Fall 1 Term

This is the last date for any student to submit enrollment transactions or change the grading basis for HSPH courses. This is also the last date that an HSPH student can drop ANY course without permission. After this date, HSPH students can submit a petition to the Registrar’s Office via my.harvard to request a late...

Deadline for Registration – Exec. Ed. Online: Benefit-Cost Analysis: Valuing Life and Health

Program runs: September 16-20, 2024 Deadline to register: September 13, 2024 at 12pm ET Benefit-cost analysis is a well-established and widely used approach for systematically assessing policy impacts and informing decisions. It is a required component of the policy development process followed by many government agencies and organizations around the world. Benefit-cost analysis plays an...

FXB Center Child Protection Certificate Program: Apply Now!

Harvard Longwood Campus Boston, MA, United States

Are you passionate about Child Protection and interested in increasing your skills and building your professional network across sectors? The FXB Center for Health & Human Rights at Harvard University...

HIV Working Group Seminar

Building 2, Room 426

HIV Training Grant Lightning Talks Abstract: Join us in learning about the important work being conducted by the PhD and Postdoctoral researchers on the HIV Training Grant! Over two sessions, all 10 trainees will present 5-minute lightning talks about their research projects shaping the future of infectious disease and adjacent areas.