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March 27

Specific Aims Review Session

Specific Aims Review Sessions


12:00 pm 1:30 pm

via Zoom

Trainings and Workshops

For Center members, their collaborators, affiliates, and trainees 

Are you preparing for an upcoming environmental health-related submission? Have your Specific Aims page reviewed by our senior NIEHS Center faculty! In a friendly, constructive, small-group open session, a panel of Center members will offer critique and suggestions to improve your Specific Aims.

Proposals are welcomed that relate to the gamut of Environmental Health research (exposure assessment, community engagement and education, epidemiology, genetics and genomics, molecular biology, etc.). Please submit your draft Aims by the Monday deadline so that we can ensure reviewers include faculty with relevant areas of expertise. Open to investigators at all levels. 

If you would like your document reviewed, please send an email to by 5pm on the Monday before the session with the following information:

  • Name (first and last)
  • Affiliation
  • Sponsor/mentor
  • Type of grant/award you are applying for
  • New submission or resubmission
  • Anticipated submission date
  • Title of your project
  • Attach your Specific Aims document and, if a resubmission, your introduction page (MS Word is preferred)

Speaker Information


July 20, 2024 July 27, 2024

Harvard Chan C-CHANGE Youth Summit on Climate, Equity and Health

Youth Summits students outside HSPH
Check out our Youth Summit on Climate, Equity, and Health


Event Type

Trainings and Workshops

The Center for Climate, Health, and the Global Environment at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (Harvard Chan C-CHANGE) has joined forces with Putney Pre-College, an initiative of Putney Student Travel, hosted another year of youth summer programming on climate, equity, and health in July 2024.

Channeling Climate Action into Climate Solutions 

July 20 — July 27, 2024  | Location: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA

Students dove into issues of climate change, equity, and public health alongside peers, educators, and leading professionals from the Center for Climate, Health, and the Global Environment at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (Harvard Chan C-CHANGE). They chose an Action Focus based on their interests and explored how climate change is intertwined with public health, medicine, social justice, equity, economics, and policy. They gained perspective from scientists, health practitioners, policymakers, youth activists, climate creatives, and clean energy innovators at the forefront of tackling the climate crisis. Each student took what they learned and transformed it into a Community Action Plan, returning home ready to address these issues in their own community.

The annual Harvard Chan C-CHANGE Youth Summit trains students to be leaders in their communities through workshops, field-based activities, and meetings with scientists, health and policy experts, academics, energy innovators, and more.

The Youth Summits combine Putney’s extensive history of designing educational and innovative student programs with Harvard Chan C-CHANGE’s leadership putting health and equity at the center of climate actions.

The Harvard Chan C-CHANGE summit presented an opportunity to connect with youth from across not just the US but the globe. Our summit occurred in parallel to the hottest temperatures ever recorded on earth, fires and floods battering every corner of the planet, and continual inaction from politicians and the fossil fuel industry. We did not let this stop us, paralyze us, rather we took it as an opportunity to generate community and optimism—the energy that will fuel our movement.

Finn Does, a 17 year old from San Francisco, California 

Speaker Information

Harvard Chan School seeks to bring in speakers with a wide range of experiences and perspectives. They’re here to share their own insights; they do not speak for the school or the university.