Wildfires in LA: Smoke, Exposures, and Your Health

A Live Panel Discussion Hosted by the Department of Environmental Health, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Friday, January 24, 11am EST / 8am PST
Watch live on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HarvardChanEnvHealth/streams
Wildfires continue to affect people on both coasts of the United States this week, as fires in LA prompted a new wave of evacuations, and firefighters are still fighting fires after weeks of intense battles with the blazes. Smoky, hazy air has impacted people in and around LA in recent weeks, leading to health concerns for all ages and all people. To talk about these concerns, and how to mitigate them, we have gathered public health experts to answer frequently asked questions about wildfire smoke and its impact to your health.
Moderated by: Vanessa Kerry, MD, MSc
- Speakers speak from their own experiences and research and not on behalf of Harvard University.