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Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases

We lead efforts to treat and prevent infectious diseases by conducting pioneering research into the biological, chemical, and genetic factors behind pathogens. 

Short-Term Research Opportunities

Explore a range of paid, short-term research opportunities with IID, designed to provide immersive experiences in the fields of immunology and infectious diseases. Whether you’re an undergraduate seeking an internship, a post-baccalaureate looking to deepen your research skills, or a predoctoral scholar aiming for a comprehensive master’s program, our offerings provide a dynamic environment to enhance your scientific expertise and propel your academic journey.

A young student at an orientation session at the Chan School of Public Health

Undergraduate Programs

Summer Internship in Biological Sciences in Public Health

For undergraduate students outside of Harvard

Summer Honors Undergraduate Research Program (SHURP)

For undergraduate students outside of Harvard

Additional Summer Programs

For undergraduate students outside of Harvard

Additional Summer Programs

For undergraduate students at Harvard

Boston-based undergraduate students looking for coop or other research internship positions are encouraged to contact faculty members directly.

Post-Baccalaureate Programs

Research Scholar Initiative

1-2 year research post-baccalaureate program

Donald Hopkins Predoctoral Scholars Program

2 year funded Master’s program

Boston-based undergraduate students looking for coop or other research internship positions are encouraged to contact faculty members directly.

Little pride flags and other decorative LGTBQIA+ items on a table

The Power of Diversity

We strive to recruit and support department members from all backgrounds and identities. The HSPH Office for Diversity and Inclusion includes resources available to all members of IID.

Find out more about the Schools Diversity and inclusion Initiatives.