Department of Environmental Health
We’re leading the global charge to understand and solve the world’s most pressing environmental health challenges. Learn how we can make an impact together.
665 Huntington Avenue, Building 1, Room 1301
Boston, MA 02115
Past Events
Department of Environmental Health Seminar – Respirable Particles in the Lung: Impact of Wildland Fire Smoke and E-cigarettes on Respiratory Structure/Function
With Jessica Oakes, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Bioengineering, Northeastern University
MELD T32 Seminar: How oxidative stress promotes telomere dysfunction
With Patricia Opresko, Ph.D. Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh
Department of Environmental Health Seminar – Advancing Next-Generation Exposomics: From Population to Cellular
With Peng Gao, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health
This Ancient Atrocity: The Return of Child Labor in the US… Why Now? What Can Be Done?
With David Weil, PhD, MPP, BS, professor, Heller School of Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University and Visiting Senior Policy Fellow, Ash Center for Democracy, Harvard Kennedy School
Harvard Climate Connect: Challenges and Opportunities for Building Equitable Climate Resilience in the Boston Area
Please join the Harvard Environmental Law Society and the Harvard Chan Public Health School’s Environmental Justice Student Organization for an interdisciplinary symposium discussing Boston’s unique challenges and opportunities in building…
Department of Environmental Health Seminar – Environmental Exposures and Their Lifelong Legacy: How Air Pollutants and PFAS Influence the Gut Microbiome and Impact Human Health
With Tanya Alderete, PhD, Assistant Professor Department of Integrative Biology, University of Colorado Boulder