MELD Seminar – Translational Molecular Epidemiology Research in Lung Cancer
HSPH, Building 1, Room 1302 665 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA, United StatesWith Dr. David Christiani
With Dr. David Christiani
With Vanessa Kerry, MD, MSc, Director of Program in Global Public Policy and Social Change
With Dr. Rick Woychik, NIEHS Director, and Principal Investigator
Jade Benjamin-Chung, PhD, MPH, is an Assistant Professor at Stanford University in the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health and a Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator. Her group conducts research to identify interventions to control, eliminate, or eradicate environmentally-transmitted infectious diseases, including malaria, diarrhea, soil-transmitted helminths, and influenza. Her research uses a variety of epidemiologic, computational,...
With Kevin Lanza, PhD, Assistant Professor at UT Health School of Public Health in Austin, member of the U.S. EPA’s Children’s Health Protection Advisory Committee and EPA’s Board of Scientific Counselors’ Climate Change subcommittee
With Akram Alshawabkeh, PhD, PE, University Distinguished Professor and Snell Professor of Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University Director, PROTECT Superfund Research Center
With: Zunwei Chen, PhD Postdoctoral Research Fellow Zunwei will introduce the role of EVs in neurotoxicity caused by heavy metal cadmium exposure using human in vitro neuronal cells with a focus on novel microvesicles ARMMs and the underlying mechanisms. He will then explore the potential of EVs as therapeutical application targeting neurodegenerative diseases.
"Too often genetics gets the short end of the stick in public health. But I’m going to tell you how we can use genetics to save and improve lives and study environmental exposures." - Charleen D. Adams, PhD, MPH Research Fellow / Lead Scientist
With Elisabeth M Simonin, PhD Postdoctoral Research Fellow
With Oh Youn Kim, MD, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow Environmental Health
With Chengfeng, Yang, PhD, Professor, Department of Pathology Stony Brook Cancer Center
With Zhi Qiao, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow