Tyler J. VanderWeele
Dr. VanderWeele’s research spans causal and measurement methodologies, psychiatric and social epidemiology, the science of happiness and flourishing, and the study of religion and health.
677 Huntington Ave
Kresge Building
Boston, MA 02115
Human Flourishing Program
The Human Flourishing Program was founded through a gift to Harvard University’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science for the purpose of integrating knowledge from the empirical social sciences and the humanities on topics central to human flourishing such as purpose, virtue, marriage and family, religion, work, forgiveness, close social relationships, and the promotion of human well-being. Tyler VanderWeele serves as Director of the Program. More information is available on the Program’s website.
Selected Publications
- VanderWeele, T.J. and Hinton, C. (2024). Metrics for education for flourishing: A framework. International Journal of Wellbeing, 14, Article 3197: 1-35.
- Ho, M. Y., Worthington, E., Cowden, R., Bechara, A. O., Chen, Z. J., Gunatirin, E. Y., Joynt, S., Khalanskyi, V.V., Korzhov, H., Kurniati, N.M.T., Rodriguez, N., Salnykova, A., Shtanko, L., Tymchenko, S., Voytenko, V.L., Zulkaida, A., Mathur, M. and VanderWeele, T.J. (2024). International REACH Forgiveness Intervention: A multi-site randomised controlled trial. BMJ Public Health, 2:e000072.
- Lomas, T., Pawelski, J.O., and VanderWeele, T.J. (2023). A flexible map of flourishing: The dynamics and drivers of flourishing, well-being, health, and happiness. International Journal of Wellbeing, 13,3665:1-38.
- VanderWeele, T.J. and Lomas, T. (2023). Terminology and the well-being literature. Affective Science, 4:36-40.
- Hong, J.H., Berkman, L.F., Chen, F.S., Shiba, K., Chen, Y., Kim, E.S., and VanderWeele, T.J. (2023). Are loneliness and social isolation equal threats to health and well-being? An outcome-wide longitudinal approach. Social Science and Medicine – Population Health, 23:101459.
- Chen, Y., Mathur, M.B., Case, B.W., and VanderWeele, T.J. (2023). Marital transitions during earlier adulthood and subsequent health and well-being in mid- to late-life among female nurses: an outcome-wide analysis. Global Epidemiology, 5:100099.
- Weziak-Bialowolska, D., Lee, M.T., Cowden, R.G., Bialowolski, P., Chen, Y., VanderWeele, T.J., and McNeely, E. (2023). Psychological caring climate at work, mental health, well-being, and work-related outcomes: Evidence from a longitudinal study and health insurance data. Social Science & Medicine, 323:115841.
- Weziak-Bialowolska, D., Bialowolski, P., Lee, M.T., Chen, Y., VanderWeele, T.J., and McNeely, E. (2022). Prospective associations between social connectedness and mental health. Evidence from a longitudinal survey and health insurance claims data. International Journal of Public Health, 67, Article 1604710: 1-9.
- VanderWeele, T.J. (2022). The importance, opportunities, and challenges of empirically assessing character for the promotion of flourishing. Journal of Education, 202:170–180.
- Kim, E.S., Nakamura, J.S., Chen, Y., Ryff, C.D., and VanderWeele, T.J. (2022). Sense of purpose in life and subsequent health and well-being in older adults: an outcome-wide analysis. American Journal of Health Promotion, 36:137-147.
- Nakamura, J.S., Ryff, C.D., Chen, Y., Folk, D., Heine, S.J., VanderWeele, T.J., and Kim, E.S. (2022). What makes life purposeful? Identifying the antecedents of a sense of purpose in life using a lagged exposure-wide approach. SSM – Population Health, 19:101235.
- Lee, M., Kubzansky, L.D., and VanderWeele, T.J. (2021). Measuring Well-Being: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from the Social Sciences and the Humanities. Oxford University Press.
- VanderWeele, T.J., Fulks, J., Plake, J.F., and Lee, M.T. (2021). National well-being measures before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in online samples. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 36:248–250.
- Lomas, T. Cowden, R., and VanderWeele, T.J. (2021). Befriending the butterfly: a multidimensional review of strategies to facilitate happiness and wellbeing. European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 5, 22:1-23.
- Hanson, J.A. and VanderWeele, T.J. (2021). The Comprehensive Measure of Meaning: psychological and philosophical foundations. In: M. Lee, L.D. Kubzansky, and T.J. VanderWeele (Eds.). Measuring Well-Being: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from the Social Sciences and the Humanities. Oxford University Press, Chapter 12: 339-376.
- VanderWeele, T.J., Chen. Y., Long, K.N., Kim, E.S., Trudel-Fitzgerald, C., and Kubzansky, L.D. (2020). Positive epidemiology? Epidemiology, 31:189-193.
- VanderWeele, T.J. (2020). Activities for flourishing: an evidence-based guide. Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing, 4:79-91.
- Weziak-Bialowolska, D., Bialowolski, P., Sacco, P.L., VanderWeele, T.J., and McNeely, E. (2020). Well-being in life and well-being at work: which comes first? Evidence from a longitudinal study. Frontiers in Public Health, 8:103.
- VanderWeele, T.J., Trudel-Fitzgerald, C., Allin, P., Farrelly, C., Fletcher, G., Frederick, D.E., Hall, J., Helliwell, J.F., Kim, E.S., Lauinger, W.A., Lee, M.T., Lyubomirsky, S., Margolis, S., McNeely, E., Messer, N., Tay, L., Viswanath, V., Węziak-Białowolska, D., and Kubzansky, L.D. (2020). Current recommendations on the selection of measures for well-being. Preventive Medicine, 133:106004.
- Long, K.N.G., Kim, E.S., Chen, Y., Wilson, M.F., Worthington, E.L., and VanderWeele, T.J. (2020). The role of hope in subsequent health and well-being for older adults: an outcome-wide longitudinal approach. Global Epidemiology, 2:100018.
- Kim, E.S., Whillans, A.V., Lee, M.T., Chen, Y. and VanderWeele, T.J. (2020). Volunteering and subsequent health and well-being in older adults: an outcome-wide longitudinal approach. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 59:176-186.
- Trudel-Fitzgerald, C., Millstein, R., von Hippel, C., Howe, R., Tomasso, L. P., Wagner, G., and VanderWeele, T.J. (2019). Psychological well-being as part of the public health debate? Insight into dimensions, interventions, and policy. BMC Public Health, 15;9(12):e033697.
- Chen, Y., Haines, J. Charlton, B., and VanderWeele, T.J. (2019). Positive parenting improves multiple aspects of health and well-being in young adulthood. Nature Human Behavior, 3:684-691.
- VanderWeele, T.J., McNeely, E., and Koh, H.K. (2019). Reimagining health: flourishing. JAMA, 321(17):1667-1668.
- VanderWeele, T.J. (2019). Measures of community well-being: a template. International Journal of Community Well-Being, 2:253-275.
- VanderWeele, T.J. (2018). Is forgiveness a public health issue? American Journal of Public Health, 108:189-190.
- VanderWeele, T.J. (2017). On the promotion of human flourishing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 31:8148-8156.