SOGIE Health Equity Research Collaborative
The mission of the SOGIE Collaborative is to advance health equity for all communities, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity and expression.
Lucinda Garcia
PhD Student, Tufts University
Lucinda Garcia (they/she) is a PhD Student at Tufts University in the Child Studies and Human Development Department. Their research focuses on the intersection of autism and transgender/nonbinary identities in youth, aiming to support these populations by educating caregivers and responsible adults. They examine intersecting systems of power and societal constructs to foster inclusive discourse that recognizes and legitimizes both neurodiversity and gender diversity. This work seeks to create a more accepting environment across social networks, promoting deeper understanding of the convergence between autism diagnoses and diverse gender identities.
Representative Publications
- Sweder, N., Garcia, L. & Salinas-Quiroz, F. “I’m trying to take the lead from my child”:
experiences Parenting Young Nonbinary Children. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health 18,
117 (2024).