SOGIE Health Equity Research Collaborative
The mission of the SOGIE Collaborative is to advance health equity for all communities, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity and expression.
Nepantla Canizzo, BA
MPH student, Social and Behavioral Sciences Department at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Nepantla Canizzo (they/elle/we) has nine years of experience working as an advocate for marginalized communities, four of which were in public health. They organize for a variety of intersectional human rights and offer training and support to diversity initiatives and liberation efforts. Currently an MPH student in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Department at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Nepantla’s research interests center 2SLGBTQAI+ communities with a focus on BIPoC, immigrant, and disabled health. Through their concentration in Women, Gender, and Health, they are interested in addressing structural and interpersonal racism and discrimination through a liberatory lens and praxis. Nepantla is a member of the Harvard SOGIE Health Equity Research Collaborative and the founder of the Harvard Chan Intersex and Trans Justice Student Society. They are excited about completing their practicum under Dr. Sean Saifa Wall at the Intersex Justice Project. Nepantla earned their bachelor’s degree in sociology with a focus on race, gender, sexuality, and health inequities. During their free time Nepantla enjoys family hikes and advocating for a world where intersex, transgender, and other marginalized communities can experience bodily autonomy and joy.
Representative Publications
- Canizzo N. Decentering Whiteness in Trans and Intersex Studies. International Trans Studies Conference, September 2024, Evanston, IL.
- Canizzo N. Black Intersex, Transgender, and Gender Diverse Communities and Their Resistance. International (Inter) Disciplinary Bodies Conference, June 2024, London, UK.
- Quint M, Canizzo N, Bhasin S, Coon D, Reisner S. What is the most important thing you want providers to know? Responses from the Transgender Health Equity Study. UCSF National Transgender Health Summit, May 2023, San Francisco, CA.