SOGIE Health Equity Research Collaborative
The mission of the SOGIE Collaborative is to advance health equity for all communities, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity and expression.
Ana M. Progovac, PhD
As Senior Scientist at Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA) in the Department of Psychiatry’s Health Equity Research Lab, Dr. Progovac’s research combines quantitative, mixed-methods, implementation science, and community-partnered research to understand policy and organizational mechanisms for reducing or eliminating mental health disparities.
As PI on an NIMHD R03 and a community-engaged Harvard Catalyst Pilot grant studying gender minority (i.e., transgender and non-binary) mental health care disparities, Dr. Progovac led a series of analyses that compared gender minority and non-gender minority Medicare beneficiaries’ as well as CHA patients’ mental health outcomes and health care use. Dr. Progovac also uses implementation science methods to research how integrated and measurement-based mental health care impacts patient experience and outcomes, and community-based participatory research methods understand how healthcare experiences shape people’s future mental health care seeking and outcomes.
Dr. Progovac teaches on various topics, including health policy, health services research methods (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods), implementation science, and community-based participatory research at Harvard’s local institutions as well as via invited talks regionally and nationally. She is also an active member of the CHA LGBTQ+ Equity Committee, where her research contributes to outreach, priority setting, and dissemination efforts.
University of Pittsburgh: PhD, Health Services Research & Policy
University of Michigan: BS, Neuroscience