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Program in Quantitative Genomics

The Program in Quantitative Genomics (PQG) develops and applies quantitative methods to help handle massive genetic, genomic, and health data. Based in the Harvard Chan School and Longwood Medical Area, its goal is to improve health through the interdisciplinary study of genetics, behavior, environment, and health. 


255 Huntington Ave
Building 2, 4th floor
Boston, MA 02115

PQG Student / Postdoc Travel Fund

Program in Quantitative Genomics (PQG) offers PQG students and postdocs an opportunity to apply for research travel support to present their research at professional meetings and workshops.

Deadlines for applications: January 15 and June 15.

  • The Applicant must be a PQG Associate student or postdoc.
  • Travel support is awarded up to $500 for domestic or international travel, to be reimbursed after travel is completed.
  • Applicants must follow HSPH student travel guidelines to be eligible for reimbursement. 
  • Applicants are only eligible to receive funding one time.
  • Applicants must apply for an upcoming conference and not for a past event.
  • The applicant must use the funds toward the event noted in their application.  If the applicant does not use the travel grant for the conference listed in their application, they are welcome to apply again for the grant.

Travel Fund Application

To apply for travel funds, please fill out the application above, and also email a copy of your CV and a conference program to Amanda King. All applications will be acknowledged and response to the funding request will be addressed as quickly as possible.