Quantitative Biomedical Research Center
The Quantitative Biomedical Research Center (QBRC) at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health under the Department of Biostatistics supports the biomedical research community. QBRC provides large scale biomedical data mining, management, pattern recognition, and research software engineering (RSE) support to scientists in the Harvard research community and beyond.
677 Huntington Ave.
Building 2, Room 410
Boston, MA 02115
A selection of projects we developed or contributed to:
- WebMeV (Multiple Experiment Viewer): a cloud-based application supporting analysis, visualization, and stratification of large genomic data, particularly for RNA-Seq and microarray data
- Icarus: a federated data warehouse platform for the sharing of COVID-19 related information amongst a consortium of higher education institutions
- Forest: a Python library for analyzing smartphone-based high-throughput digital phenotyping data
- PanomiR: an R package to detect miRNAs that target groups of pathways from gene expression data
- GCEdb: a database of non-standard amino acids (nsAAs)
- CIVET: COPD Integrated Visualization and Exploration Tool