Quantitative Biomedical Research Center
The Quantitative Biomedical Research Center (QBRC) at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health under the Department of Biostatistics supports the biomedical research community. QBRC provides large scale biomedical data mining, management, pattern recognition, and research software engineering (RSE) support to scientists in the Harvard research community and beyond.
677 Huntington Ave.
Building 2, Room 410
Boston, MA 02115
Researchers can work with the QBRC by either fee-for-service consulting projects, online analysis platform, or through research grants. The QBRC provides data analysis and data mining services for -omic and high dimensional data sets using bioinformatics, systems biology, and machine learning techniques. The QBRC staff will assist investigators on planning, analyzing, and interpreting the resulting data and provide publication ready materials. We are particularly equipped to analyze “Big Data” and to implement complex algorithms using secure Cloud Computing infrastructure. The QBRC also provides research software engineering (RSE) services.
Acknowledgments and authorship
The QBRC does not require co-authorship on studies using data generated solely on a fee-for-service basis using standard analysis methods by QBRC staff. In cases where significant intellectual contributions have been made by QBRC staff, co-authorship may be appropriate, following usually-accepted scientific practice. The requesting researcher and QBRC Director will discuss appropriate authorship.
Please note that payment of fees for data analysis services and authorship are not mutually exclusive and that authorship does not substitute for payment of Center expenses for services rendered.
QBRC consulting for data analysis and software development is charged by hourly rate. The rates are $194 for HU/HMS/HSPH members, $213.40 for other non-profit institutes, and $242.50 for industry members.
For more information, email us at qbrc@hsph.harvard.edu.