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How to use windows executables on Mac OSX using Wine

How to use windows executables on Mac OSX using Wine

Special thanks to Rebecca Payne (Biostat student who took Epid 293),  we now have a nice instruction on how to run windows executables on Mac OSX using Wine:

1. Download the Windows binary file (e.g. genome.exe from the GENOME package).

2. Follow the instructions at to install Wine on your Mac  (Parts 1-4). Wine will allow you to run the Windows executable file on your Mac without using a Windows emulator.

3. Restart Terminal and navigate to the folder containing genome.exe.

4. Use Genome as usual; however, to call Genome you must write

$wine genome.exe

instead of


For example, instead of

$genome -pop 2 20 20 -N 1000 -mig 0.0025 > output.txt

one would write

$wine genome.exe -pop 2 20 20 -N 1000 -mig 0.0025 > output.txt
