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Kenney Research Group

Our research focuses on identifying effective and feasible strategies to make eating healthfully easy, accessible, and affordable for everyone. Our team’s goal is to build evidence to support the development and implementation of effective population-level strategies that result in better nutrition for children and families


665 Huntington Avenue 
Building 2, 3rd floor 
Boston, MA 02115 

Matthew Lee

Matthew Lee

Matt is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences and is funded by the Program in Cardiovascular Epidemiology Training Program. His research is focused on evaluating existing and potential nutrition policies and program that are poised to reduce cardiometabolic disease, with a particular emphasis on applying causal inference and simulation based methods. He is currently supporting projects related to the advertising and sales of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) following an SSB excise tax, to diet quality during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to the cost-effectiveness of national- and state-level nutrition policies. Prior to starting at Harvard, Matt completed a Master of Science degree in Epidemiology as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley. When he isn’t knee-deep in R code or any ongoing data analysis, Matt enjoys playing the oboe/English horn with the Longwood Symphony Orchestra, trying to find the sunniest of hikes, and making (and eating) new foods.

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