Healthcare Quality and Outcomes Lab
The Healthcare Quality and Outcomes Lab (HQO) is a state-of-the-art health services research group that produces actionable evidence to improve the quality, equity, and resilience of healthcare delivery systems.
677 Huntington Ave.
Kresge Building, 4th Floor
Boston, MA
Healthcare System Adaptation and Resilience
Public health challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change represent unprecedented shocks to U.S. and global healthcare delivery systems. Emerging healthcare trends such as rising consolidation and financialization of the healthcare sector may also pose a growing threat to sustainability and equity across our healthcare system. Leveraging the multidisciplinary expertise of our team, HQO evaluates the response of health systems to public health shocks and emerging healthcare trends to generate policy frameworks that build resilient health systems capable of providing high quality, high value, and equitable care for patients.
Featured Work

Medicaid eligibility loss among dual-eligibles during COVID-19 public health emergency
JAMA Network Open, 2024