Healthcare Quality and Outcomes Lab
The Healthcare Quality and Outcomes Lab (HQO) is a state-of-the-art health services research group that produces actionable evidence to improve the quality, equity, and resilience of healthcare delivery systems.
677 Huntington Ave.
Kresge Building, 4th Floor
Boston, MA
Healthcare Equity and Quality
Our research focuses on improving the value and quality of medical and surgical care. HqO has a dedicated focus on improving care for high-need, high-cost and vulnerable patient populations. We leverage large datasets to evaluate the structural, financial, and practice-level drivers of variations in cost, quality, and patient outcomes within and between health care systems. HQO studies the quality of health care across the continuum of care, from inpatient to ambulatory settings. By generating empirical data on healthcare disparities, we aim to inform policies that improve equity in healthcare access and outcomes.