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Apple Women’s Health Study

The Apple Women’s Health Study is the first long-term research study of this scale and scope that aims to advance the understanding of menstrual cycles and their relationship to various health conditions.

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Menstrual cycles today: how menstrual cycles vary by age, weight, race, and ethnicity – Data

More details about the information presented in the below tables are included in the study update on Menstrual cycles today: how menstrual cycles vary by age, weight, race, and ethnicity.

Table 1 Percentages of AWHS participants by age, race and ethnicity, and body mass index groups.  

 Percentages (%) Number of participants 
Age (years)   
< 20 5.2 651 
20-24 14.7 1853 
25-29 17.2 2169 
30-34 19.2 2424 
35-39 18.3 2306 
40-44 14.2 1787 
45-49 8.4 1065 
≥ 50 2.8 353 
Race and Ethnicity   
White 71.4 8996 
Black 5.0 633 
Asian 4.3 541 
Hispanic 7.4 928 
Other 2.2 280 
More Than One 9.8 1230 
Body Mass Index (kg/m2)   
< 18.5 2.6 330 
18.5 – 24.9 36.8 4636 
25 – 29.9 25.9 3263 
30 – 34.9 16.8 2112 
35 – 39.9 9.7 1223 
≥ 40 8.3 1044 

Table 1 presents the percentage and number of AWHS participants in each age, race and ethnicity, and body mass index groups. For race and ethnicity, the White group included participants who only selected ‘White, non-Hispanic’ in the Common Demographics survey; the Black group included participants who only selected ‘Black or African American or African’ in the survey; the Asian group included participants who only selected ‘Asian’; the Hispanic group included participants who only selected ‘Hispanic, Latino, Spanish and/or other Hispanic’; the Other group included participants who selected answers other than those mentioned previously (‘American Indian or Alaska Native,’ ‘Middle Eastern or North African’, ‘Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander,’ or ‘none of these categories can fully describe me’); the More Than One group included participants who selected more than one race and ethnicity options in the survey. Body mass index was calculated from the self-reported height and weight in the Common Demographics survey. These BMI categories were defined based on the adult BMI classification from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention. 

Table 2 Average menstrual cycle length and variability in different age groups of AWHS 

Age (years) Average menstrual cycle length  Cycle length variability  
< 20 30.37 days 5.33 days 
20-24 30.17 days 5.07 days 
25-29 29.86 days 4.70 days 
30-34 29.31 days 4.28 days 
35-39 28.74 days 3.79 days 
40-44 28.25 days 3.99 days 
45-49 28.41 days 5.42 days 
≥ 50 30.76 days 11.19 days 

Table 2 presents the average menstrual cycle length and variability for AWHS participants in different age groups. Age was determined by the self-reported birth year and the year each cycle was tracked in the Health app. The cycle length variability was calculated as the average standard deviation of menstrual cycle length for an individual in that age group, meaning that 70% of the menstrual cycles of that individual are expected to vary within that range around the average.

Table 3 Average menstrual cycle length and variability in different race and ethnicity groups of AWHS 

Race and ethnicity Average menstrual cycle length  Cycle length variability  
White 29.12 days 4.81 days 
Black 28.88 days 4.67 days 
Asian 30.69 days 5.04 days 
Hispanic 29.85 days 5.09 days 
Other 29.30 days 4.63 days 
More Than One 29.24 days 4.58 days 

Table 3 presents the average menstrual cycle length and variability of AWHS participants in different race and ethnicity groups. The White group included participants who only selected ‘White, non-Hispanic’ in the Common Demographics survey; the Black group included participants who only selected ‘Black or African American or African’ in the survey; the Asian group included participants who only selected ‘Asian’; the Hispanic group included participants who only selected ‘Hispanic, Latino, Spanish and/or other Hispanic’; the Other group included participants who selected answers other than those mentioned previously (‘American Indian or Alaska Native,’ ‘Middle Eastern or North African’, ‘Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander,’ or ‘none of these categories can fully describe me’); the More Than One group included participants who selected more than one race and ethnicity options in the survey. The cycle length variability was calculated as the average standard deviation of menstrual cycle length for an individual in that age group, meaning that 70% of the menstrual cycles of that individual are expected to vary within that range around the average.

Table 4 Average menstrual cycle length and variability in different body mass index (BMI) groups of AWHS 

Body mass index (kg/m2) Average menstrual cycle length  Cycle length variability  
< 18.5 28.93 days 4.89 days 
18.5 – 24.9 28.90 days 4.57 days 
25 – 29.9 29.16 days 4.82 days 
30 – 34.9 29.44 days 5.03 days 
35 – 39.9 29.65 days 4.77 days 
≥ 40 30.44 days 5.43 days 

Table 4 presents the average menstrual cycle length and variability of AWHS participants in different BMI groups. BMI was calculated using the self-reported height and weight in the Common Demographics survey. These BMI categories were defined based on the adult BMI classification from the Center of Disease Control and PreventionThe cycle length variability was calculated as the average standard deviation of menstrual cycle length for an individual in that age group, meaning that 70% of the menstrual cycles of that individual are expected to vary within that range around the average.