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Olga Demler
Secondary Faculty

Olga Demler

Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology

Epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health


Department of Epidemiology

Other Positions

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Medicine-Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School


As a biostatistician working at the Division of Preventive Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, my research interests are three-fold:
1) conducting biomarker discovery studies using high throughput metabolomics and other -omics data;
2) analysis of Electronic Health Records data;
3) methodological statistical research on building valid risk prediction models.
My clinical research focuses on the mechanistic pathways of cardiovascular disease development and progression.

The following publications highlight some of my research activities:

1. Kessler RC, Bauer M, Bishop T, Demler O, Dobscha S, Gildea S, Goulet J, Karras E, Kreyenbuhl J, Landes S, Liu H. Using administrative data to predict suicide after psychiatric hospitalization. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2020;11:390.

2. Sels D, Dashti H, Mora S, Demler O, Demler E. Quantum approximate Bayesian computation for NMR model inference. arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.14221. 2019 Oct 31.

3. Antonelli J, Claggett BL, Henglin M, Kim A, Ovsak G, Kim N, Deng K, Rao K, Tyagi O, Watrous JD, Lagerborg KA, Hushcha PV, Demler OV, Mora S, Niiranen TJ, Pereira AC, Jain M, Cheng S. Statistical Workflow for Feature Selection in Human Metabolomics Data. Metabolites. 2019 Jul 12; 9(7). PMID: 31336989.

4. Demler OV, Pencina MJ, Cook NR, D'Agostino RB. Asymptotic distribution of AUC, NRIs, and IDI based on theory of U-statistics. Stat Med. 2017 Sep 20; 36(21):3334-3360. PMID: 28627112.

5. Demler OV, Paynter NP, Cook NR. Tests of calibration and goodness-of-fit in the survival setting. Stat Med. 2015 May 10; 34(10):1659-80. PMID: 25684707.

6. Demler OV, Pencina MJ, D'Agostino RB. Impact of correlation on predictive ability of biomarkers. Stat Med. 2013 Oct 30; 32(24):4196-210. PMID: 23640729.
