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Nima Hejazi
Primary Faculty

Nima Hejazi

Assistant Professor of Biostatistics

Biostatistics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health


Department of Biostatistics


My research explores how advances in causal inference, statistical machine learning, and computational statistics empower discovery in the biomedical and public health sciences. I focus primarily on the development of model-agnostic, assumption-lean statistical inference procedures, emphasizing a translational philosophy that stresses the rich interplay between the applied sciences and statistical methods. My approach emphasizes the use of causal inference principles to translate scientific questions into precise statistical estimands and then aims to learn these from data by formulating analytic methods that incorporate flexible, adaptive modeling strategies (i.e., machine learning) to avoid imposing restrictions that may not be justified by domain knowledge while appealing to semi-parametric efficiency theory for best-in-class uncertainty quantification. I am also keenly interested in statistical instrumentation (open-source software/programming and high-performance computing) to push the boundaries of statistical methodology and to promote both transparency and reproducibility in the practice of applied statistics and statistical data science.

My methodological work draws upon tools and ideas from semi-parametric statistics, high-dimensional and large-scale inference, de-biased or targeted machine learning (e.g., targeted minimum loss estimation, sieve estimation), and computational statistics. Areas of recent focus include the study of inference on treatment effects from data collected via biased or outcome-dependent sampling designs, including sequentially adaptive sampling schemes; causal effect heterogeneity for discovering subgroups and optimal treatment regimes; causal machine learning approaches for evaluating dose-response phenomena; causal mediation analysis for investigating questions of mechanism; and safely drawing causal inferences from data subject to interference or network dependence phenomena.

John Tukey once remarked that "the best thing about being a statistician is that you get to play in everyone's backyard." I think he got it right. My past collaborations have spanned diverse areas of the biomedical and public health sciences---from toxicology and computational biology to environmental health and nutritional epidemiology. More recently, though, I have been captivated by the rich statistical science problems that abound in the infectious disease sciences, especially in efforts to study investigational therapeutics and preventives, both in randomized trials and observational studies. My work has contributed novel methods and insights for identifying immune correlates of protection (surrogate endpoints) in vaccine efficacy trials of HIV and COVID-19, for comparing therapeutic efficacy in studies of COVID-19 and TB/HIV co-infection, and for characterizing the post-acute sequelae of COVID-19.

To close, below are a few reflections on science and statistics that I have found myself returning to over the years.

"Far better an approximate answer to the right question, which is often vague, than the exact answer to the wrong question, which can always be made precise." --John Tukey

"Everyone is sure of this [that errors are normally distributed]...since the experimentalists believe that it is a mathematical theorem, and the mathematicians that it is an experimentally determined fact." --Henri Poincare

"The anarchy of guess and intuition has given way to a benevolent tyranny of statisticians." --Donald Fredrickson

"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts." --Richard Feynman

Education and Training

  • BA, Molecular and Cell Biology, Psychology, Public Health
    University of California, Berkeley
  • MA, Biostatistics
    University of California, Berkeley
  • PhD, Biostatistics
    University of California, Berkeley
  • NSF Postdoc, Causal Inference, Targeted Machine Learning
    Weill Cornell Medicine

Awards and Honors

  • CFAR Early Career Investigator Development Award, 2024 - 2026
    Harvard University Center for AIDS Research (HU-CFAR)
  • ACIC/SCI Early Career Scholar Travel Award, 2022
    American Causal Inference Conference (ACIC) and Society for Causal Inference (SCI)
  • NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (MSPRF), 2021 - 2022
    National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • The Wallace Lowe Fellowship, 2020
    UC Berkeley School of Public Health
  • The Eki and Nobuta Akahoshi and Seiko Baba Brodbeck Endowed Fund Scholarship, 2019
    UC Berkeley School of Public Health
  • Tom Ten Have Memorial Award (for "exceptionally creative or skillful research in causal inference"), 2019
    American Causal Inference Conference (ACIC)
  • The Wellness Scholarship in Honor of Chin Long Chiang, 2018
    UC Berkeley School of Public Health
  • Honorable mention for the Tom Ten Have Memorial Award, 2017
    American Causal Inference Conference (ACIC)
  • NIH/NLM BD2K Biomedical Big Data (BBD) Training Program Predoctoral Fellowship, 2017 - 2018
    UC Berkeley
