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Heather Mattie
Primary Faculty

Heather Mattie

Lecturer on Biostatistics

Biostatistics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health


Department of Biostatistics

Other Positions

Co-Director, Master's Program in Health Data Science

Biostatistics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Director of Community Engagement and Development in the Department of Biostatistics

Biostatistics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health


Dr. Mattie's research focuses on the intersection between biostatistics, data science, and network science. Specifically, she has used network science and machine learning to study interactions in communities, as well as the development and application of artificial intelligence in healthcare research. Her research has also involved the notion of algorithmic fairness, in terms of an algorithm compounding inequities working against underrepresented or disadvantaged groups in society. Her work has found links between unhealthy weight control behaviors and the use of mobile dating applications, particularly in racial and ethnic minorities. She has developed methods that predict tie strength in a network, which assists in modeling the spread of disease and information. Additionally, her work has examined the potential for artificial intelligence to improve inference from data for care and population health, as well as the challenges related to bias and scalability in such models.

Dr. Mattie is involved in the diversity and inclusion efforts of the Biostatistics department and enjoys mentoring students.
