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Giovanni Parmigiani
Primary Faculty

Giovanni Parmigiani

Professor of Biostatistics

Biostatistics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health


Department of Biostatistics


Models and software for predicting who is at risk of carrying genetic variants that confer susceptibility to cancer. Application to breast, ovarian, colorectal, pancreatic and skin cancer.

Statistical methods for the analysis of high throughput genomic data: analysis of cancer genome sequencing projects; integration of genomic information across technologies; cross-study validation of genomics results.

Statistical methods for comparative effectiveness research: comprehensive models for lifetime history of chronic disease outcomes; Bayesian meta-analysis; Bayesian causal inference; decision analysis.

Bayesian modeling and computation: multilevel models; decision theoretic approaches to inference; sequential experimental design and their application to adaptive and multistage studies in clinical and epidemiological research.
