Reappointing Research Scientists
Reappointing Research Scientists
(revised 8/6/2024)
Reappointments of current roles in the Research Scientist track require a simplified list of materials than a first appointment or promotion. A checklist is not needed to submit a reappointment packet though you may use the standard form if you choose. The materials needed to reappoint research scientists are:
- letter from the department chair or center director requesting the reappointment and briefly describing the incumbent’s current research and responsibilities in the context of the criteria for appointment
- a current copy of the research scientist’s CV
- peer-reviewed publications should be listed separately from other publications; publications not yet accepted should not be listed
- the CV should contain a grant funding section; if the scientist is a PI or Co-PI, information should include the dollar amount and length of the grant in addition to the researcher’s role on the grant
- click here for the School’s preferred CV format
- an activities statement that outlines the research scientist’s’ duties, responsibilities, and plans for future research
- supporting financial information including: proposed salary/increase, costing strings, and fringe.
Once the above items are assembled into a single PDF document by the department administrator, it should be submitted to Philip Kret (90 Smith Street, 1st Floor) approximately two to three weeks before a meeting of the Research Scientist Review Committee. A schedule of the Research Scientist Review Committee meetings is available online.