Peanuts may help protect against age-related cognitive decline
A diet that includes peanuts may help prevent age-related cognitive decline, according to Frank Sacks, professor of cardiovascular disease prevention at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He leads the MIND trial, a randomized study designed to test whether a healthy diet based on a mix of the Mediterranean and DASH diet plans can help older adults maintain brain health.
“People who eat peanuts regularly have a lower risk of heart disease; and there is growing evidence that the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease is associated with risk of cardiovascular disease,” Sacks told the Times Free Press in an August 20, 2019 article. “We surmise that peanuts could be an important component of a diet that prevents cognitive decline with aging. That is one reason why we included peanuts in the MIND study.”
Read Time Free Press article: Make natural nut butters part of a healthy diet
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Nut consumption may help heart health for people with type 2 diabetes (Harvard Chan School news)
Peanuts and peanut butter can be healthy (Harvard Chan School news)