Lauren E. Gentile
Office of Atmospheric Protection, Climate Change Division
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC
Dr. Lauren E. Gentile is a geographer and environmental social scientist with the Office of Air and Radiation, Office of Atmospheric Protection, Climate Change Division (CCD) at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Her research interests center on the interactions between humans and the environment, applying a spatial and social science lens to climate change impact analyses through maps, indicators, and models. She currently works on a range of analytical efforts, including the Climate Change Impacts and Risk Analysis (CIRA) and Climate Change Indicators projects, as well as on science communications as a co-lead in building and managing EPA’s new Climate Change Website. She also serves as lead on climate change adaptation for EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation. Before joining CCD, she was a contractor for NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Social Sciences Branch where she conducted research on the socioeconomics and wellbeing of fishing communities. She was also a John D. Knauss Fellow in NOAA’s Climate Program Office working at the interface of science, policy, and management.
Lauren received a Ph.D. in Environmental Social Science from Arizona State University, a Master of Environmental Law and Policy from Vermont Law School, and a Bachelor of Arts from University of Miami.