MPH students present their practicum experiences at poster night

November 26, 2019 – Nearly 60 students from four fields of study presented findings from their summer practicum experiences with host organizations around the world at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s biannual MPH-65 Field Practice Poster Night, held November 12, 2019 in Kresge cafeteria.
At the end of the evening, a panel of faculty judges honored three students with the Judges Recognition Award:
- Rachel Applewhite, “Medicaid Reimbursement and Doula Care”
- Yuki Davis, “Health, Social, and Food Justice in Jamaica Plain: How a Community Health Center Addresses Food Apartheid as a Social Determinant of Health”
- Juan Reynoso, “How Can We Promote a Healthier and More Unified Cuyahoga River Valley?”

Attendees also voted on their favorite posters. Audience Recognition Awards went to:
- Liz Gipson, “Improving Maternal Health & Addressing Severe Maternal Morbidity (SMM) Through Medicaid Initiatives”
- Sitara Mahtani, “Filling the Gaps: Expanding the Reach of an Oral Health Screening/Education Program for Schoolchildren in Cambridge, MA”
- Lily Shay, “Government Regulation in 1930s Impact 2019 Health Outcomes”
photos: Aria Xuemei Jin