Graduation 2024: Award winners

May 21, 2024 – Each year, awards are presented to graduating students, faculty, and staff at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Winners were announced at a celebration held in the Kresge cafeteria on May 21.
Student awards
Edgar Haber Award
Krystle Kalafut, PhD ’24
Marianne Wessling-Resnick Biological Sciences in Public Health (BPH) Student Service Award
Joanna Olivas, PhD ’24
Robert B. Reed Prize for Excellence in Biostatistical Science
Dylan Clark-Boucher, PhD ’28
Lee Ding, PhD ’28

Gareth M. Green Award for Excellence in Public Health Practice
Patrick Chen, MPH ’24
Faisal Reza, MPH ’24
Kasey Pomeroy, MPH ’24
James H. Ware Award for Achievement in the Practice of Public Health
Julia Hummel Jimenez, MPH ’24
Dr. Fang-Ching Sun Memorial Award
Eniolami Dosunmu, MPH ’24
Albert Schweitzer Award
Max Boulet, MPH ’24
LGBTQ Health Equity Award
Colleen Reynolds, PhD ’24
Teaching Fellow Awards
Intekhab Hossain, PhD ’24
Nicole Kogan, PhD ’24
Shelton Lo, PhD ’24
Tamara Rushovich, PhD ’24
Jhordan Wynne, PhD ’24
Faculty awards

Teaching Citation Awards
Linda Cyr, lecturer on health management
Brian Curran Healy, associate professor in the Department of Biostatistics
Pamela Marie Rist, assistant professor in the Department of Epidemiology
Jack Rossin, instructor, Department of Health Policy and Management
Executive and Continuing Education Excellence in Teaching Award
Ellen Zane, adjunct assistant professor of health policy and management; CEO Emeritus of Tufts Medical Center and Tufts Children’s Hospital
Mentoring Awards
Susan Madden, instructor, Office of Educational Programs
Margareta Matache, lecturer on social and behavioral sciences
William C. Vanderwagen, instructor, Office of Educational Programs
Marianne Wessling-Resnick Memorial Mentoring Award
Jane J. Kim, Dean for Academic Affairs; K.T. Li Professor of Health Economics
Sastry Awards for Outstanding Teaching in Public Health
Murray A. Mittleman, professor of epidemiology
Aisha Khizar Yousafzais, professor of child development and health
Roger L. Nichols Excellence in Teaching Award
Ben Sommers, Huntley Quelch Professor of Health Care Economics
LGBTQ Health Equity Award
S. Bryn Austin, professor in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Staff awards

Acknowledging Commitment and Excellence (ACE) Awards
Allison Hakioglu, manager of academic administration, Department of Epidemiology
Michele Hudak, assistant director of finance, Department of Global Health and Population
Harvard Heroes Awards
Shaina Andelman, director of administration, Department of Biostatistics
Amarildo “Lilu” Barbosa, chief diversity, inclusion, and belonging officer
Lisa Burke, assistant director of operations and strategy, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Sharelle Davis, senior talent and operations coordinator, Ariadne Labs
Sarah K. Wood Award for Outstanding Staff Performance
Patrice Clare Brown, assistant director of administration, Departments of Nutrition and Molecular Metabolism