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In his academic year stay at HICRC (2023-20240, UK physician and Harkness Fellow Vageesh Jain wrote 4 papers on firearm issues, two which have already been published.  In the first, Dr. Jain finds that the US minimum legal drinking age reduces suicide, largely by reducing alcohol-involved firearm suicide.  

Jain V, Miller M, Hemenway D.  The impact of the U.S federal minimum legal drinking age law on alcohol-involved firearm suicide: a regression discontinuity approach. Lancet: eClinicalMedicine, 2025; 80:103057

In another article, Dr. Jain updates findings that much of the state cross sectional variation in police killing civilians and police being killed by civilians is explained by variations in state levels of household gun ownership–and that the same states have high rates of both types of homicide. 

Jain V, Hemenway D. Firearm violence between police and civilians: gun ownership as the common denominator.  Journal of Urban Health. 2024.