Grad Lab Updates: November 2023
There are many wonderful pieces of news to share from this month! First, congratulations to Yonatan on becoming a tenured professor!!! Thank you for all that you do in keeping the lab running and thriving! We are thrilled to be able to keep doing the research that we all love with an amazing group of people to continue advancing our understanding of pathogen evolution, transmission, and control! Second, congratulations to Aishani on winning the Rhodes scholarship!!! This is so incredibly well-deserved and we are so thrilled and excited for you for you as you start to embark on this next chapter of your career!
Welcome to two new postdocs, Aditi Mukherjee and David Helekal! We are so excited to have you in the group and to work with you!
A new preprint from Maddy defines spatiotemporal trends of group A streptococcus in the U.S. We are so proud of you, Maddy, for the incredible work that you have done on this project (which is also the first publication of her PhD!) and for defining a whole new and exciting direction of research in the lab!
Tse Yang, Mui, Maddy, and QinQin attended Epidemics and had an amazing time learning about the latest work in mathematical modeling of infectious diseases, genomics, and phylodynamics, presenting their work, and meeting new and old colleagues!