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2022 Grad Lab Updates

December 2022 Welcome to Shreyas Pai, a PhD student from the Systems, Synthetic, and Quantitative Biology program! His project as a rotation student in our lab will be on stepping stone mutations in antibiotic resistance mechanisms in Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

November 2022 Congratulations, Sky, on your paper on the applications of machine learning models to aid in the design of sequence-based antimicrobial susceptibility tests! We are sad that you are now leaving the lab — we will miss your spirit and innovative thinking.

November 2022 Congratulations to Dan on his paper on Neisseria gonorrhoeae diagnostic escape from a gyrA-based test for ciprofloxacin susceptibility and the impact on zoliflodacin resistance, accepted at the Lancet Microbe.

October 2022 Good job, James, on publishing “Quantifying the impact of immune history and variant on SARS-CoV-2 viral kinetics and infection rebound: a retrospective cohort study” in eLife! Also, congratulations on earning the “Wellcome Early Career Award” by the Wellcome Trust. We wish you all the best for starting your own lab at the Big Data Institute at the University of Oxford.

October 2022 Dan, you made a great contribution to our knowledge of the basic biology of Neisseria gonorrhoeae with your work on CanB, soon to be published in Nature Microbiology.

September 2022 Congratulations to Stephen on his paper “Volume and variability of pediatric antibiotic consumption in the United States” published in Clinical Infectious Diseases.

September 2022 Dedicated work has lead PhD student Daphne Sun to her successful defense on the topic of seasonal antibiotic use and resistance. Well done, Dr. Sun! We wish you all the best for your future career at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals.

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