Can WASH infrastructure, institutions, and behavior change reduce diarrhea and growth faltering? Evidence from an RCT in DRCongo

Join the Department of Global Health and Population for our weekly Thursday Brown Bag Series! On March 13, John Quattrochi, ScD, will present “Can WASH infrastructure, institutions, and behavior change reduce diarrhea and growth faltering? Evidence from an RCT in DRCongo”. John Quattrochi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Global Health at Georgetown University. This seminar will be held in Building 1, Room 1208. Online participation will be available via Zoom. A Harvard ID is required for building access.
The Thursday Brown Bag Series is a weekly seminar series featuring current research of faculty, affiliates, and guests of the department. Any questions regarding the series can be directed to the department at GHP@hsph.harvard.edu.
Speakers will share their own perspectives; they do not speak for Harvard