PPCR 5-Day Immersion Course
This optional workshop for PPCR Main Course participants involves a detailed and intensive review of materials presented during the PPCR Main Course. Participants will gain hands-on experience in clinical trials design and analysis, and present their year-long projects after discussions with faculty.

Workshop Details
- The tuition fee is included in the Main Course tuition. However, travel expenses and accommodation fees are not
November 19 – 23, 2025 | On-Site
Please note that this optional workshop is designed for PPCR Main Course participants and alumni.
To learn more about the PPCR Main Course, please click here. To apply for the PPCR Main Course, please click here.
Workshop Overview
The 5-Day Immersion Course will feature six Harvard professors who will review and discuss the material presented throughout the year of the 2024 PPCR course in a detailed and intensive fashion.
A key component of the 5-Day Immersion Course is that students will not only review their group projects and address specific research questions with the Harvard faculty but will also work on their second paper. This second paper involves the analysis of a real dataset, with students collaborating closely with biostatistics and epidemiology faculty. This hands-on approach helps students apply their skills in a practical setting, ensuring a deeper understanding of clinical trials design, statistical methods, and data interpretation.
Students will present their year-long projects and findings to the entire group after discussions with faculty, culminating in an enriching learning experience in a poster presentation session and also will be part of a mock grant review session. Please note that these dates are tentative and small adjustments will likely take place.
The 5-Day Immersion Course will offer lectures, small group discussions, individual office hours, manuscript/grant writing classes and practical exercises. Students will review their group projects and work towards an oral or poster presentation. The goal of the live course component is to allow students to interact directly with Harvard faculty, discuss specifically their questions as they relate to the course, their project or their own research and to give them an opportunity to practice the acquired knowledge.
This 5-Day Immersion Course is a live on-site program. Harvard faculty will give live lectures and offer office hours. Participants are also required to participate in group discussions and complete practical exercises. Participants will also work on their group project and present it during the course.
Students who enroll in the 2025 Principles and Practice Clinical Research Immersion Course component are highly encouraged to also participate in the 5-Day course. The course offers an opportunity to interact with Harvard faculty in a one-to-one relationship and to discuss topics in small groups. The 5-Day on-site course is an extension to the PPCR main course component and will focus on those skills required for a scientist in his daily life: Designing a research project, statistics, writing skills, presentation. Students who have previously completed the PPCR course are also eligible to attend; however, priority is given to current PPCR students.
During the 5-Day on-site course students will closely interact with Harvard faculty and with clinical researchers from different countries and fields. The goal of this program is to promote personal and professional growth and to make clinical researchers more effective in their work. This course should be the first step in becoming an independent research scientist. We also expect that this program’s interactive environment will promote connections among participants and foster future collaborative multi-center projects.
The 5-Day on-site course will review and expand on some parts of the PPCR course (including statistics). The group project will be a key component, which will include discussion and presentation. Additionally, there will be a manuscript/grant writing workshop, manuscript review workshop and additional lectures relevant to working as a research scientist.
Below is the 2023 schedule for the 5-Day Immersion Course. The 2025 schedule will likely be similar, with slight variation in dates and content. Please revisit our website at a later date to view the 2025 schedule.
1:00-2:00 Program Registration
2:00-3:00 Opening and Introduction
3:00-6:00 Exercise – Felipe Fregni
6:00-7:00 Coaching Meeting
7:00-9:30 Coaching Dinner – Felipe Fregni
8:00-12:30 Rotations
12:30-2:00 Lunch
2:00-3:30 Exercise – Felipe Fregni
3:30-4:30 Wellness/Sport Break
4:30-7:30 Manuscript Writing Workshop – Donald Halstead
7:30-9:00 Coaching Dinner – Felipe Fregni
8:00-12:30pm Rotations
12:30-2:00pm Lunch
2:00-3:30pm Exercise – Felipe Fregni
3:30-4:30pm Wellness/Sport Break
4:30-7:30pm Manuscript Writing Workshop – Donald Halstead
7:30-9:00pm Coaching Dinner – Felipe Fregni
6:30-7:00am Wellness/Sport Break
7:30-12:00pm Rotations
12:00-1:00pm Lunch
1:00-2:00pm Exercise – Felipe Fregni
2:00-3:00pm Coaching Meeting
3:00-6:00pm Manuscript Writing Workshop – Donald Halstead
6:00-7:30pm Ceremony Preparation Break
7:30-8:30pm Dinner
8:30-11:00pm Ceremony
7:30-9:00am Group Project Final Presentation
9:00-10:30am Breakfast/Checkout
10:30-1:00pm Group Project Final Presentation