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Sandra Conceição Ribeiro de Carvalho


Early on in my education, I designed my training to pursue a career as a clinician-scientist. I graduated in Psychology in 2005 from University of Minho. In 2007, I completed a specialization in clinical psychology, and in 2011 I finished my Ph.D. degree in Clinical Psychology at the same university. After my Ph.D., I was invited to an Assistant Professor position at the University of Minho. After being awarded a post-doctoral fellowship by FCT, I undertook additional Post-Doctoral training in the US, at Northeastern University(September 2013 to July 2014) and at Harvard Medical School from August 2014 to December 2016.In the clinical setting I´m particularly interested in studying the neuronal correlates of clinical response. For that reason, I´m coordinating the research group Neurotherapeutics and Experimental Psychopathology(NEP) Group at School of Psychology, University of Minho (since 2012). Because I was really interested in studying the brain and new forms of neuromodulation, I completed a 3-month certification in TMS and tDCS, in 2010 under the supervision of Prof. Felipe Fregni at Harvard Medical School (USA). Pursuing my clinical interests I took the 8-month Principles and Practice of Clinical Research course, at that time offered by Harvard Medical School. Currently  I´m m the principal investigator of 2, and co-PI of 1,  FCT funded projects FCT grants and I´ m also funded by the action KA2 – ERASMUS+ (European Commission) – "In-School" project, "Developing skills for life" (2018-2021) – Grant nº 2018-1-PT01-KA201-047417. I´m also an investigator of 3 other funded grants. Therefore, currently I´m manage over 1 million euros to run clinical research. I´ve published over 50 articles in international peer reviewed journals, 11 international peer reviewed book chapters and 3 conference papers. I  already supervised 18 MSc dissertation(s) and I´m currently supervising 4 PhD Thesis, 3 research assistants and 8 clinical internships in clinical Psychology. I received 7 awards and/or honors.