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Roger Davis, ScD

Associate Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School

Associate Professor of Medicine
Department of Medicine
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center


Dr. Davis is Associate Professor of Medicine (Biostatistics) at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School. He is Director of Biostatistics in the Division of General Medicne and is the BIDMC Director of the Harvard Catalyst Biostatistics Consulting Program. He holds a BA in Statistics and Mathematics and an MA in Statistics from the University of Rochester, and an ScD in Biostatistics from Harvard. He has been a biostatistician collaborating on clinical trials and other biomedical and health services research for nearly 40 years. At the Harvard T. H Chan School of Public Health, he developed a course on survival analysis for clinical researchers, which he taught for 23 years. He has over 350 peer-reviewed publications and served as a Statistical editor for 8 years for Circulation and 5 of the Circulation-branded subspecialty journals.