Claire C. Gordon, PhD
Research Professor
Arizona State University
Claire C. Gordon is a human biologist holding academic degrees in Biology (B.S. 1976, Notre Dame), Biological Anthropology (M.A. 1977 & Ph.D. 1982, Northwestern), and Biostatistics (S.M. 1990, Harvard School of Public Health). From 1983 – 2013, Dr. Gordon applied her research interests in human variation, biostatistics, and simulation methodology to the design and sizing of military clothing, protective equipment, and workstations at the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development, & Engineering Center in Natick, Massachusetts, influencing the fit and safety of a wide variety of military systems, from body armor & chemical protection to helicopters and armored vehicles. In 2002 she was appointed Senior Research Scientist (ST), the highest rank a civilian research scientist can hold within the U.S. Dept of Defense.
Dr. Gordon is the author of more than 130 scientific presentations and publications, and the recipient of more than 40 awards for research excellence and technical leadership, including a 2008 Presidential Rank Award for Meritorious Service. She continues her research as a Senior Fellow in the Oak Ridge Institute for Science & Education (ORISE) Knowledge Preservation Program and as a Research Professor in the Consortium for Science, Policy, & Outcomes (CSPO) at Arizona State University. Since 1998, Dr. Gordon has been a member of the International Organization for Standardization working group in Anthropometry (ISO TC159/SC3/WG1) which influences research methodology and human engineering design criteria worldwide; she served as its Convener from 2002-2012.