Charles Waggoner, PhD
Director and Research Professor
Mississippi State University
Dr. Waggoner was responsible for the design, fabrication, and operation of test stands used to conduct life cycle testing of filters to NQA-1 quality requirements. Filter testing activities have been conducted at MSU for 20 years. Initial filter testing was conducted under a joint effort between the Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management and EPA’s Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response with respect to the proposed Hazardous Waste Combustor Maximum Achievable Control Technology. Work has since been conducted for various DOE sites and also for the National Nuclear Security Administration. Dr. Waggoner served as a member of the ASME CONAGT Main Committee, Filtration Subcommittee, Technology Subcommittee, and several project teams.
Upcoming Courses
In-Place Filter Testing Workshop
Prepare to test and certify systems containing HEPA filtration and gas adsorption systems. Learn to operate testing equipment unique to these activities and gain an understanding of regulations associated with nuclear air- and gas-cleaning activities.
Program Fees
- Standard Price $3,000.00