Brad Wong
Founder and Director
Dr. Brad Wong, along with his position at Mettalytics, is an affiliated researcher at the Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health, at the University of Bergen, Norway. Brad has overseen or contributed to hundreds of economic evaluations in low-and-middle-income countries, publishing peer-reviewed and technical reports across numerous sectors including agriculture, education, gender, nutrition, water and sanitation, poverty, trade, and global health.
Brad’s cost-benefit research has been used to assist stakeholders to prioritize resources for greatest impact, to make investment cases for increased spending and to identify cost-effective approaches to solving development issues. Due to the breadth of his experience, his research increasingly sits at the intersection of development areas, such as systematically reviewing the non-health impacts of vision correction and identifying the poverty and social protection benefits of school feeding programs.
Brad is currently Co-lead Editor on Disease Control Priorities 4, Volume 3: Interventions Outside the Healthcare System, and a Section Editor in Oxford University Press’s Encyclopedia on Water, Sanitation and Global Health, focusing on the economics of water and sanitation investments in low-and-middle-income countries. He has advised and collaborated with the Government of Timor Leste, the Malawian National Planning Commission, the Ghanaian National Development Planning Commission, the Government of Haiti, and the Government of India’s think tank, NITI Aayog. He was a member of the Advisory Board as well as a co-author of the Reference Case Guidelines for Benefit-Cost Analysis in Global Health and Development, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.