Artificial Intelligence and Technology
Unlock the potential of artificial intelligence while navigating ethics, bias, and strategic implementation with Harvard Chan School Executive and Continuing Education articles and programs.
Topic Area Summary
While artificial intelligence is transforming industries worldwide, its application in health care remains an untapped opportunity.
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Executive and Continuing Education’s online AI programs equip professionals with the skills to integrate emerging technologies strategically. Participants gain an understanding of how to apply generative AI, machine learning, large language models, and other tools to realize the value of AI in health care, while addressing important issues around ethics, privacy, bias and equity. We also offer a Business Applications for AI in Health Care Certificate of Specialization for those looking to for a deeper understanding of AI and its implementation.
The articles and programs on this page examine how AI can address real-world challenges, and how professionals can demonstrate leadership in the digital transformation of health care. Topics include assembling cross-functional data science teams, addressing algorithmic bias, and understanding the process of successfully implementing AI projects in large organizations. Health care professionals will come away with insights into the opportunities and challenges presented by new technologies and best practices for integrating AI and emerging tools into existing health care operations and strategies.
Responsible AI for Health Care: Concepts and Applications
AI offers a tool that can help medical doctors, administrators and other stakeholders overcome complex challenges in health care
Innovation with AI in Health Care
Develop the skills needed to realize the value of AI in health care and advance your career through demonstrating leadership in digital transformation of health care.
Implementing Health Care AI into Clinical Practice
Gain the cross-disciplinary knowledge and skills needed to ensure AI solutions are implemented successfully in clinical practice.