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April 4, 2024

Weatherhead Research Cluster on Migration Seminar

Date and Time: Thursday, April 4, 2024 | 12:00pm to 1:00pm ET
Location: Zoom – register here

“The everyday life of exceptional people. Displaced people from Ukraine in the Polish education system”

Jakub Isański, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
Olga Sakson-Obada, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland

Abstract: The scale of current migrations in Europe is comparable to that which took place after the end of World War II. Their consequences will probably determine the direction of demographic trends on the continent for the coming decades. Ukrainian forced migrants have been present in many European countries since February 2022 in local labor markets and neighborhood communities. The Ukrainian diaspora is numerically dominated by women and children, which creates unique specificity to their needs. One of them is the children’s participation in the mainstream education system in the host countries. This is the background for analyzing the transition from the solidarity theory to everyday practices. The presentation will show the situation of Ukrainian children and youth in the Polish education, psychiatric and psychological care systems, as well as challenges for schools, mental health institutions, and migrants themselves (children and adults).

About the Weatherhead Migration Cluster: In 2022 the Harvard Weatherhead Center for International Affairs awarded a “research cluster” award to FXB Center Director of Research Jacqueline Bhabha and Harvard Graduate School of Education Associate Professor Sarah Dryden-Peterson for a 3-year seminar series on migration. Dr. Vasileia Digidiki, an FXB Health and Human Rights fellow and Harvard Instructor, is also a core member of the cluster. The title of the research cluster is “Building Inclusion, Sustaining Solidarity: Frontline Host Communities, Distress Migrants and the Role of the State.” It is construed to include work that covers both government and non-government practice and how it impacts the well-being or rights of refugees and other distress migrants. The funding supports a group of Harvard doctoral students working on topics related to the cluster’s focus, and a regular seminar series open to all members of the Harvard community. More information about the Migration Cluster in general can be found here.