SBS DIB Film Screening: Conscience Point
All HSPH staff, faculty, and students are invited to join the SBS Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee in collaboration with the FXB Center for Health & Human Rights on Tuesday, April 16 from 1 to 2:30 pm in Kresge 201 or via Zoom for a hybrid screening of the documentary Conscience Point. Participants are welcome to join for all or part of the screening and will have the opportunity to interactively engage with the film content in real time by responding to reflection questions via the online platform Padlet.
This is the third event of the SBS DIB’s 2023-2024 film screening series, which seeks to highlight Native voices and stories. Conscience Point tracks the fractured history of one of the wealthiest zip codes in the U.S.: the Hamptons, where the Shinnecock Indian Nation were edged off their land over the course of hundreds of years, pushed onto an impoverished reservation, and condemned to watch their sacred burial grounds destroyed to make way for residential and commercial development. The documentary shows the path of Shinnecock activist Rebecca “Becky” Hill-Genia who, together with other tribal members and allies, has waged a relentless, years-long battle to protect the land and her tribe’s cultural heritage (paraphrased from film description provided by Women Make Movies).