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March 7

OSH Seminar: “F!reF!ghterF!t” current data and intervention review

Two firefighters ascend a modern staircase, equipped with breathing apparatus.


1:10 pm 1:50 pm

Event Type


“F!reF!ghterF!t”: A randomized controlled trial of lifestyle coaching interventions for obese firefighters: Current data and intervention review 

Presenters: Derek Stewart, DO, MHSA, and Kangwook Huh, DO, MPH, Second-year residents, Occupational and Environmental Medicine Residency, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe the current data collected through the onboarding process. 
  2. Analyze the study design used to evaluate the effectiveness of the lifestyle medicine intervention.
  3. Discuss the specific lifestyle interventions implemented in the study, including the six lifestyle medicine pillars.
  4. Evaluate the potential implications of the study for clinical practice and future research in lifestyle medicine.

Location:  Kresge 502 and ZOOM (registration required)

Register: Click here to register to attend via Zoom.

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