BOSTON, MA – On Weds, Dec. 14, our Center partnered with the Office of Communications to host “Climate and Justice: The EPA’s action plan” in The Studio. The featured speaker was David Cash, EPA’s Regional Administrator for Region 1. Dr. Cash leads the implementation of the Biden-Harris environmental agenda in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and in 10 Tribal Nations. He spoke with moderator Dr. Marc Weisskopf about his past life as a middle school science teacher, ongoing priorities for the Biden Administration, and the EPA’s new Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights.
David CashDavid CashModerator Marc Weisskopf talks with David Cash about EPA priorities.Moderator Marc Weisskopf talks with David Cash about EPA priorities.Dr. Tamarra James Todd moderated the second portion of the event, which was not televised or recorded.Dr. James-Todd spoke with David Cash about how we can address inequality when it comes to EJ initiatives.Dr. James Todd discussed the increasing push towards electrification and the disproportionate burden low-income families would likely face.Dr. James-Todd and David CashDavid CashMarc Weisskopf, Kari Nadeau, Doug Dockery and Tamarra James-Todd catch up after the event.