September 27, 2024
OSH seminar – Parham Azimi, PhD, Research Associate
The Impact of Building Characteristics and Regional Factors on Exposure to Maui Wildfire Pollutants
Presenter: Parham Azimi, PhD, Research Associate in the Department of Environmental Health, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to 1) describe the constituents of target air pollutants in residential buildings near wildfire-affected regions in Lahaina, HI; 2) describe the source of elevated air pollutants in residences; 3) explain the impacts of building characteristics related to wind (direction and speed) on exposure to wildfire pollutants; 4) to explain the impacts of regional factors related to wind (direction and speed) on exposure to wildfire pollutants; and to 5) discuss the immediate concerns around the health of residents near wildfire-affected regions.