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February 28

OSH Seminar: Mental Health in Residency & Asthma in Veterans

3D diagram of a healthy and unhealthy bronchial tube with a constricted breathing problem caused by respiratory muscle tightening.


1:10 pm 1:50 pm

Event Type


Please join this special double OSH seminar with two presenters and topics:

Topic 1: “Understanding Mental Health in Residency – The Perspective of Program Leadership”

Speaker: Aditya Nellore, MD

Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to:

  1. Discuss the most recent data on physician suicide;
  2. Describe potential barriers preventing physicians from seeking mental health care; and to
  3. Discuss the ways in which residency program leadership can champion the well-being of their residents

Topic 2: “Asthma and small airway dysfunction in post-deployment veterans”

Speaker: Christopher Leopardi, DO, MPH

Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the impact of deployment-related environmental exposures on respiratory health in veterans;
  2. Compare the clinical and research implications of identifying small airway dysfunction in veterans;
  3. Compare pulmonary function outcomes between veterans with and without asthma; and to
  4. Evaluate the potential role of Forced Oscillation Technique (FOT) as a diagnostic tool for early detection of small airway disease in post-deployment veterans.

Location: Kresge 502 and Zoom

Register: Register for Zoom here.

Speaker Information