Department of Biostatistics
The Department of Biostatistics tackles pressing public health challenges by conducting cutting-edge research and translation and by offering top-quality education and training.
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Harvard affiliates with an ID number and PIN can get free download of dissertations, both Harvard and other, on the Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard site via DASH. Click on “By Collections” in the left hand menu under Statistics, and select “FAS Theses and Dissertations” in the list. Choose the option “This Collection” under the Search box, and type in the name of the person or title of dissertation you are looking for in the collection.
Chia-Rui Jerry Chang. Statistical Methods for Addressing Missing Data and Evaluating Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in Randomized Clinical Trials
Advisor: R. Wang
Jonathan Luu. Statistical Methods for Complex Dependent Data
Advisor: S. Haneuse
Yujie Wu. Statistical Methods for Outcome Measurement Error Correction, and Multi-study Prediction and Causal Inference Under Study Heterogeneity
Advisors: M. Wang and G. Parmigiani
Amy Zhou. Statistical Analysis of Case-cohort Designs in Semi-competing Risks
Advisor: S. Haneuse
Jemar Ryan Bather. Contributions to Design and Analysis of Pediatric HIV Studies
Advisor: P. Wiliams
Beau Jonathan Coker. Misspecification, Nonstationarity, and Approximate Inference in Gaussian Processes and Bayesian Neural Networks
Advisors: B. Coull and F. Doshi-Velez
Wenying Deng. A Gaussian-process Framework for Nonlinear S inference Using Modern Machine Learning Models
Advisor: B. Coull
Patrick Ugochukwu Emedom-Nnamdi. Interpretable Statistical Learning for Real-World Behavioral Data
Advisors: J. Onnela and J. Lu
Isabella Grabski. Probabilistic Approaches to Multi-study Genomic Matrix Decompositions and Single-cell RNA-sequencing Analysis
Advisors: G. Parmigiani and R. Irizarry
Hali Lynn Hambridge. Methods for High-Fidelity Epidemic Simulations on Time-Varying Networks
Advisor: J. Onnela
Larry Han. On Causal Inference in Real World Settings
Advisors: T. Cai and L. Trippa
Nathan William Huey. On Inference in High-Dimensional Settings via De-sparsifying Techniques with Applications in Genomics
Advisors: R. Mukherjeeand B. Coull
Gopal Kamlesh Kotecha. Methods for the Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials: Uncertainty Directed Randomization and Data Synthesis
Advisor: L. Trippa
Daniel Li. Methods for Complex Observational Study Data
Advisor: X. Lin
Lara Maleyeff. Assessing Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in Cluster Randomized Trials
Advisor: R. Wang
Shuting Shen. Large Scale Inference with Theoretical Guarantees under Various Distributed Settings
Advisors: X. Lin and J. Lu
Derek Richard Shyr. Statistical and Machine Learning Methods for Assessing Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium in Large-Scale Multi-Ethnic Whole Genome Sequencing Studies
Advisor: X. Lin
Octavious Smiley. The Graphical Layout of a Network and Covariance Selection
Advisors: J. Onnela
Luli S. Zou. Statistical and Computational Methods for Spatial and Regulatory Genomics
Advisors: M. Aryee and R. Irizarry
Rolando J. Acosta Nuñez. Statistical Methods for Mortality and Mobility Estimation after Natural Disasters
Advisor: R. Irizarry
Linglin Huang. Methods and Applications of Differential Expression Analysis in Single-cell RNA-sequencing Data
Advisor: R. Irizarry
Jenny Jyoung Lee. Statistical and Causal Inference Methods for High-Dimensional and Multi-Level Data in Environmental Health for Vulnerable Populations
Advisors: F. Dominici and R. Nethery
Alexander Levis. Robust Methods for Causal Inference and Missing Data in Electronic Health Record-Based Comparative Effectiveness Research
Advisor: G. Parmigiani
Molei Liu. Federated and Transfer Learning with Multi-site Electronic Health Record Data
Advisor: T. Cai
Gabriel Loewinger. Statistical Learning Methods for Multi-Dataset Prediction
Advisor: G. Parmigiani
Isabelle-Emmanuella Nogues. Novel Analytic Methods for Electronic Health Record and Clinical Trial Data
Advisor: T. Cai
Matthew Quinn. Statistical Methods for Mobile Health and Genomics Data
Advisors: R. Irizarry and K. Glass
Maya Ramchandran. Tree-Based Ensembling Strategies for Handling Heterogeneous Data
Advisor: G. Parmigiani
Harrison T. Reeder. Method for Flexible Survival Analysis and Prediction of Semi-Competing Risks
Advisor: S. Haneuse
Andy Shi. Methods for Multiple Phenotype – Multiple Genotype Testing and for COVID-19 Spread Modeling
Advisor: X. Lin
Cathy Wang. Statistical and Machine Learning Methods for Multi-Study Prediction and Causal Inference
Advisor: G. Parmigiani
Yuri Vital Ahuja. Risk Prediction and Calibration with Weak Supervision using the Electronic Health Record
Advisor: T. Cai
Irina Degtiar. Generalizability Methods for Estimating Causal Population Effects
Advisors: F. Dominici and S. Rose
Eric Arthur Dunipace. Optimal Transport Methods for Causal Inference, Multisample Testing, and Model Interpretation
Advisors: J. Zubizarreta and L. Trippa
Linda Jane Harrison. Methods for the Design of Cluster Randomized Trials
Advisor: R. Wang
Jonathan Lee Logue Larson. Statistical Methods for Network Data
Advisor: JP Onnela
Xihao Li. Modern Statistical Methods for Genetics and Genomic Studies
Advisor: X. Lin
Gang Liu. Unsupervised Learning Methods in Digital Phenotyping
Advisor: JP Onnela
Kamrine Elisa Poels. Modeling Cancer Evolution and Optimization of Drug Dosing Schedules
Advisor: F. Michor
Sarah M. Sauer. Cluster-Based Outcome-Dependent Sampling: Inference and Frameworks for Efficient Sampling Designs
Advisor: S. Haneuse
Aarón Michael Sonabend. Off Policy Reinforcement Learning for Real World Settings
Advisor: T. Cai
Yue Song. Methods for Meta-Analysis and for Modeling HIV Viral Rebound
Advisor: R. Wang
Shayna Renee Stein. Mathematical Modeling of Tumor Evolution and Response to Therapy
Advisor: F. Michor
Xiao Wu. Causal Inference with Complex Exposures in Observational Studies
Advisor: F. Dominici
Kaitlyn Ann Cook. Monitoring and Analysis of Cluster-Randomized Trials with Interval-Censored Endpoints
Advisors: R. Wang and E. Tchetgen Tchetgen
Helian Feng. Integrative Statistical Methods for Multi-omics Data
Advisor: P. Kraft
Zoe Guan. Statistical and Machine Learning Methods for Clinical Risk Prediction
Advisor: G. Parmigiani
Margaux Louise Anna Hujoel. Statistical Inferences About the Genetic Architecture of Disease
Advisor: A. Price
Lee Kennedy-Shaffer. Statistical Methods for the Design and Analysis of Infectious Disease Studies
Advisor: M. Hughes
Thomas M. Kolokotrones. Topics in Causal Inference
Advisor: J. Robins
Alex Ocampo. Breaking the MAR Paradigm: Estimation, Bounding, and Sensitivity When Data are Missing Not at Random
Advisor: M. Pagano
Matthew Scott Ploenzke. Interpretable Machine Learning Methods with Applications in Genomics
Advisor: R. Irizarry
Dustin John Rabideau. Robust Statistical Methods for Cluster Randomized Trials
Advisor: R. Wang
Tanayott Thaweethai. Statistical Methods for Missing Data in Electronic Health Records-based Research
Advisor: S. Haneuse
Emma Grace Thomas. Bayesian Methods for Multi-outcome Analysis and a Study of Gender Bias in Medical Articles
Advisor: F. Dominici
Michele Sasha Zemplenyi. Functional Data Methods for Environmental Epidemiology and Bayesian Experimental Design for Inferring Causal Structure
Advisor: J. Miller
Leah Andrews Comment. Bayesian Causal Inference with Intermediates
Advisor: C. Zigler
Jeremy Lloyd Ferlic. Quantitative Approaches to Cancer and Cellular Differentiation
Advisor: F. Michor
Isabel Rose Fulcher. Statistical Inference for Causal Mechanisms: Mediation and Interference
Advisor: E. Tchetgen Tchetgen
Theodore Huang. Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches for Family History Data
Advisor: G. Parmigiani
Divy S. Kangeyan. Methods for Analyzing Sparse Genetic and Epigenetic Data: Single Cells to Population Levels
Advisor: M. Aryee
Shirley Liao. Bayesian Causal Inference for Estimating Impacts of Air Pollution Exposure
Advisors: C. Zigler and F. Dominici
Jeremiah Zhe Liu. Practical Semiparametric Inference with Bayesian Nonparametric Ensembles
Advisor: B. Coull
Siyuan Ma. Statistical Methods for Population Structure Discovery in Meta-Analyzed ‘Omics Studies
Advisors: C. Huttenhower and T. Cai
Thomas Corbin Madsen. Topics in Cancer Modeling: Evolution, Epidemiology, and Heterogeneity
Advisors: F. Michor and L. Trippa
Zachary Ryan McCaw. Transformation and Multivariate Methods for Improving Power in Genome-Wide Association Studies
Advisors: M. Aryee and X. Lin
Glen William McGee. Topics in Cluster-Correlated Data: Design, Informativeness, and Misclassification
Advisors: S. Haneuse and B. Coull
Abigail Grace Sloan. Statistical Methods for Pooled and Calibrated Biomarker Data
Advisor: M. Wang
Frederick Williams Townes V. Methods for Single Cell and Longevity Genomics
Advisor: R. Irizarry
Samuel Tracy. Contributions to Missing Data Methods in Genomics and Survival Analysis
Advisor: GC Yuan
Kazuki Yoshida. Comparative Effectiveness / Safety Research with Multiple Treatment Groups
Advisors: S. Hernández-Díaz and R. Glynn
Jaffer Zaidi. On the Identification of Individual Level Interactive, Direct, and Always-Survivor Causal Effects
Advisor: T. VanderWeele
Stephanie Fulane Chan. Risk Assessment with Imprecise EHR Data
Advisor: T. Cai
Tom Chen. Robust Methods for Estimating the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient and for Analyzing Recurrent Event Data
Advisors: R. Wang and E. Tchetgen Tchetgen
David Cheng. Estimating Causal Effects in Pragmatic Settings with Imperfect Information
Advisors: T. Cai and L-J. Wei
Katharine Fischer Berry Correia. Statistical Methods for Assessing Complex Multi-Exposure Data in HIV and Genetic Epidemiology
Advisor: P. Williams
Kevin Cummiskey. Methods for Estimating the Health Effects of Exposure to Point Sources of Emissions Using Large-Scale and Diverse Data Sources
Advisor: C. Zigler
Katrina Leigh Devick. Nonparametric Regression Methods for Causal Mediation Analysis
Advisors: B. Coull and L. Valeri
Sheila Marie Gaynor. Statistical Methods for Integratively Characterizing Genetic and Genomic Data
Advisor: X. Lin
Matthew Orlando Goodman. Statistical Methods for Precise Phenotypes in Alzheimer’s Disease Research
Advisor: T. Cai
Yichen Guo. DNA Methylation and Human Diseases: Applied and Methodological Studies
Advisor: L. Liang
Ina Jazić. Design and Analysis of Nested Case-Control Studies in the Presence of a Terminal Event
Advisor: S. Haneuse
Fei Li. Statistical Methods for Evaluating the Relationships Among Social, Spatial and Genetic Networks
Advisors: J.P. Onnela and V. DeGruttola
Lin Liu. Contributions to Evolutionary Dynamics and Causal Inference
Advisors: F. Michor and J. Robins
Carla Marquez Luna. Leveraging Functional Annotations and Multiethnic Data to Improve Polygenic Risk Prediction
Advisor: A. Price
Maya B. Mathur. Statistical Methods for Evidence Synthesis
Advisor: T. VanderWeele
Georgia Papadogeorgou. Casual Inference Methods in Air Pollution Research
Advisors: F. Dominici and C. Zigler
Yered Hammurabi Pita Juarez. Three Aspects of Gene Expression: Pathway Coexpression, Cross-Species Analysis of RNA-seq Data, and Bias in Gene Coexpression
Advisor: R. Irizarry
Emily Marie Slade. Statistical Methods for Multi-omics Data
Advisor: P. Kraft
Daphne Tsoucas. Computational Methods for the Analysis of Single-Cell Transcriptomic Data and their Applications to Cancer
Advisor: G.C. Yuan
Yan Wang. Toward a Causal Health Effect of Fine Particulate Air Pollution
Advisors: F. Dominici and J. Schwartz
Hong Wen Benedict Wong. Misclassification in the Partial Population Attributable Risk
Advisor: D. Spiegelman
Sarah Chika Anoke. Practicable Characterization of Systematic Heterogeneity
Advisor: C. Zigler
Richard Thomas Barfield. Statistical Methods for Analysis of Genetic and Genomic Data in Population Science
Advisors: X. Lin and P. Kraft
Tianyi Cai. Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Observational Data with Multiple Correlated Outcomes
Advisors: F. Dominici and T. Cai
Sixing Chen. Hypothesis Testing and Model Selection for Complex Data
Advisor: X. Lin
Ye Ting Du. Adjustment for Population Stratification in Sequencing Association Studies and Model Averaged Matching Estimator
Advisor: X. Lin
Katherine Louise Evans. Contributions to Semiparametric Methods for Incomplete Data
Advisor: E. Tchetgen Tchetgen
Kevin Joseph Galinsky. Biological Insights from Population Differentiation
Advisor: A. Price
Jessica Lynn Gronsbell. Robust and Efficient Machine Learning Methods for the Analysis of Electronic Medical Records Data
Advisor: T. Cai
Catherine Lee. Methods for the Analysis of Complex Time-to-Event Data
Advisors: R. Betensky and S. Haneuse
Heather Mattie. On the Estimation and Prediction of Tie Strength in Social Networks
Advisor: J.P. Onnela
Christina Magdaline McIntosh. An Analysis of Using Pedigrees in Family Based Studies and an Exploration of Cancer Risk and Cancer Resistance Using Twin Studies
Advisor: G. Parmigiani
Sarah Bancroft Peskoe. Correcting for Biases Arising in Epidemiologic Research
Advisor: D. Spiegelman
Boyu Ren. Bayesian Statistical Framework for High-Dimensional Count Data and Its Application in Microbiome Studies
Advisor: L. Trippa
Daniel Schlauch. Methods for Estimating Hidden Structure and Network Transitions in Genomics
Advisor: J. Quackenbush
Emma Holdrich Schwager. Statistical Methods for Sequence-based Microbial Community Assays
Advisor: C. Huttenhower
Ryan Sun. Biological Insights from Population Differentiation
Advisor: A. Price
Yu Zheng. Efficient Assessment of Individualized Disease Risk and Treatment Response via Augmentation
Advisor: T. Cai
Joseph Lawrence Antonelli. Statistical Methods for Analyzing Complex Spatial and Missing Data
Advisors: F. Dominici and B. Coull
Abhishek Chakrabortty. Robust Semi-Parametric Inference in Semi-Supervised Settings
Advisor: T. Cai
Yared Gurmu. Modeling and Estimation of Patterns of Relationship Formation and Dissolution
Advisor: V. DeGruttola
Shelley Han Liu. Statistical Methods for Estimating the Effects of Multi-pollutant Exposures in Children’s Health Research
Advisor: B. Coull
Baoluo Sun. Semi-Parametric Methods for Missing Data and Causal Inference
Advisor: E. Tchetgen Tchetgen
Patrick Christian Staples. On the Statistical Properties of Epidemics on Networks
Advisor: J.P. Onnela
Godwin Yuen Han Yung. Statistical Methods for Analyzing Genetic Sequencing Association Studies
Advisor: X. Lin
Emmanuel Dimont. Methods for the Analysis of Differential Composition of Gene Expression
Advisor: W. Hide
Tristan Jonathan Hayeck. Retrospective Mixed Model and Propensity Score Methods for Case Control Data
Advisor: A. Price
Lauren Margaret Kunz. Statistical Methods for Comparative Effectiveness Research of Medical Devices
Advisor: S.-L. Normand
Caleb Hilliard Miles. Semiparametric Methods for Causal Mediation Analysis and Measurement Error
Advisor: E. Tchetgen Tchetgen
Matey Neykov Neykov. Three Aspects of Biostatistical Learning Theory
Advisors: T. Cai and J. Liu
Ritesh Ramchandani. Rank-Based Methods for Survival Data with Multiple Outcomes
Advisors: D. Finkelstein and D. Schoenfeld
Yuanyuan Shen. Ordinal Outcome Prediction and Treatment Selection in Personalized Medicine
Advisor: T. Cai
Elizabeth Elaine Smoot. Methods for Effectively Combining Group- and Individual-Level Data
Advisor: S. Haneuse
Adam John Sullivan. Sensitivity Analysis for Linear Structural Equation Models, Longitudinal Mediation with Latent Growth Models and Blended Learning in Biostatistics Education
Advisor: T. VanderWeele
Wai-Ki Yip. Statistical Methods for Analyzing DNA Methylation Data and Subpopulation Analysis of Continuous, Binary and Count Data for Clinical Trials
Advisor: C. Lange
Florence Hiu-Ling Yong. Quantitative Methods for Stratified Medicine
Advisor: L.-J. Wei
Rui Zhao. Integrated Analysis of Longitudinal Tumor Burden Data
Advisor: F. Michor
Denis Madison Agniel. Statistical Methods for Multivariate and Complex Phenotypes
Advisor: T. Cai
Ian James Barnett. SNP-set Tests for Sequencing and Genome-wide Association Studies
Advisor: X. Lin
Danielle Braun. Statistical Methods to Adjust for Measurement Error in Risk Prediction Models and Observational Studies
Advisor: G. Parmigiani
Natalie Mae Exner. Surveillance Methods for Monitoring HIV Incidence and Drug Resistance
Advisor: M. Pagano
Xinyi Lin. Statistical Methods for High-Dimensional Data in Genetic Epidemiology
Advisor: X. Lin
Mark John Meyer. Function-on-Function Regression with Public Health Applications
Advisor: B. Coull
Shira Arkin Mitchell. Capture-recapture Estimation for Conflict Data and Hierarchical Models for Program Impact Evaluation
Advisors: B. Coull and A. Ozonoff
Rajarshi Mukherjee. Statistical Inference for High Dimensional Problems
Advisor: X. Lin
Kevin Andrew Rader. Methods for Analyzing Survival and Binary Data in Complex Surveys
Advisors: D. Harrington and S. Lipsitz
Jarupon Fah Sathirapongsasuti. Post-Genomic Approaches to Personalized Medicine: Applications in Exome Sequencing, Microbiome, and COPD
Advisor: J. Quackenbush
Yifan Zhang. Bayesian Adaptive Clinical Trials
Advisor: G. Parmigiani
Stacey Elizabeth Alexeeff. Measurement Error in Environmental Exposures: Statistical Implications for Spatial Air Pollution Models and Gene Environment Interaction Tests
Advisor: B. Coull
Matthew Steven Cefalu. Statistical Methods for Effect Estimation in Biomedical Research: Robustness and Efficiency
Advisor: F. Dominici
Andrew William Correia. Estimating the Health Effects of Environmental Exposures: Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Spatio-temporal Data
Advisor: F. Dominici
Frederick Prichard Cudhea. A Novel Method for Modeling Hierarchical Developmental Toxicity Data and Calculating Joint Risk BMDs Based on the Plackett-Dale Distribution
Advisor: P. Catalano
Wei Dai. Robust Approaches to Marker Identification and Evaluation for Risk Assessment
Advisors: T. Cai and Y. Li
Norman Jason Huang. Graph-based Support Vector Machines for Patient Response Prediction Using Pathway and Gene Expression Data
Advisor: C. Li
Dandi Qiao. Statistical Approaches for Next-Generation Sequencing Data
Advisor: C. Lange
Alejandro Quiroz Zarate. Deciphering the Biological Mechanisms Driving the Phenotype of Interest
Advisor: J. Quackenbush
Brian Joseph Sharkey. Statistical Methods for the Assessment of Safety and Efficacy in HIV Clinical Trials
Advisors: M. Hughes and J. Lok
David Michael Swanson. Hypothesis Testing in GWAS and Statistical Issues with Compensation in Clinical Trials
Advisors: R. Betensky and C. Lange
Linda Valeri. Statistical Methods for Causal Mediation Analysis
Advisor: T. VanderWeele
Krista Leigh Watts. Bayesian Methods and Computation for Large Observational Datasets
Advisors: B. Coull
Kaustubh Adhikari. Statistical Methodology for Sequence Analysis
Advisor: C. Lange
Brian Lee Claggett. Statistical Methods for Clinical Trials with Multiple Outcomes, HIV Surveillance, and Nonparametric Meta-Analysis
Advisor: LJ Wei
Ravi Goyal. Estimating Network Features and Associated Measures of Uncertainty and Their Incorporation in Network Generation and Analysis
Advisor: V. DeGruttola
Jessie Jann Hsu. Outcome-Driven Clustering of Microarray Data
Advisors: D. Finkelstein and D. Schoenfeld
Yen-Tsung Huang. Statistical Analysis of Genomic Data in Lung Cancer and Other Complex Diseases
Advisors: X. Lin and D. Christiani
Lauren Brooke Hund. Survey Designs and Spatio-Temporal Methods for Disease Surveillance
Advisors: M. Pagano and B. Coull
Jessica Lynn Larson. Hidden Markov Models Predict Epigenetic Chromatin Domains
Advisor: GC Yuan
Shuli Li. Estimating and Testing Treatment Effects and Covariate by Treatment Interaction Effects in Randomized Clinical Trials with All-or-Nothing Compliance
Advisor: R. Gray
Roland Albert Matsouaka. Contributions to Imputation Methods Based on Ranks and to Treatment Selection Methods in Personalized Medicine
Advisor: R. Betensky
Jessica Nicole Minnier. Inference and Prediction for High Dimensional Data via Penalized Regression and Kernel Machine Methods
Advisor: T. Cai
Layla Mosama Parast. Landmark Prediction of Survival
Advisor: T. Cai
Jennifer Anne Sinnott. Kernel Machine Methods for Risk Prediction with High Dimensional Data
Advisor: T. Cai
Anna Catherine Snavely. Multivariate Data Analysis with Applications to Cancer
Advisors: Y. Li and D. Harrington
Tamar Sofer. Statistical Methods for High Dimensional Data in Environmental Genomics
Advisor: X. Lin
Alisa Jane Stephens. Enhancing Statistician Power: Flexible Covariate-adjusted Semiparametric Inference for Randomized Studies with Multivariate Outcomes
Advisors: V. DeGruttola and E. Tchetgen Tchetgen
Alfa Ibrahim Mouke Yansane. Statistical Methods for Panel Studies with Applications in Environmental Epidemiology
Advisor: B. Coull
Richard Aubrey White. Novel Statistical Methods Applied in Clinical Trials and Gut Microbiota
Advisor: M. Pagano
Sihai Dave Zhao. Survival Analysis with High-Dimensional Covariates with Applications to Cancer Genomics
Advisor: Y. Li
Rain Cui. Variable Selection Methods for Longitudinal Data
Advisor: X. Lin
Gourab De. Contributions to Analysis of Family-Based Designs for Gene-Environment Interaction and Rare Variants
Advisor: N. Laird
Mariel McKenzie Finucane. Bayesian Methods for Global Health Monitoring
Advisors: M. Pagano and C. Paciorek
Alane Emiko Izu. Bayesian Methods for Modeling Branching Tree Processes with Application to Drug Resistant Tuberculosis
Advisor: V. DeGruttola
Quanhong Lei. Improved Double-Robust Estimation of Missing Data and Causal Inference Models and Efficient Estimation of the Average Treatment Effect on the Treated
Advisor: J. Robins
Farzad Dargahi Noubary. Statistical Methods for Evaluating Novel CD4 Enumeration Technologies
Advisor: M. Hughes
Elizabeth Leigh Ogburn. Causal Methods for Instrumental Variables and Misclassification
Advisor: A. Rotnitzky
Peter J Lipman. Novel Methodologies in Statistical Genetics for the Discovery of Causal Variants
Advisor: C. Lange
Miguel Marino. Statistical Issues in Large-Scale Community-Based Studies
Advisor: Y. Li
Shannon Rose Nelson Stock. Exploratory Methods for Longitudinal Data Measured with Error
Advisor: V. DeGruttola
Matthew David Austin. Statistical Methodology for Failure Time Data in the Presence of Truncation
Advisor: R. Betensky
Rajeev Ayyagari. Applications of Influence Functions to Semiparametric Regression Models
Advisor: J. Robins
Keith Alexander Betts. Robust Methodology for Predicting and Evaluating Prognosis in Right Censored Time to Event Data
Advisor: Dr. Harrington
Lee Herbrandson Dicker. Regularized Regression Methods for Variable Selection and Estimation
Advisor: X. Lin
Caroline Marie Jeffery. Disease Mapping and Statistical Issues in Public Health Surveillance
Advisor: M. Pagano
Sharon Marie Lutz. Modern Approaches in Association Mapping
Advisor: C. Lange
Casey Stevens Olives. Improving LQAS for Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Programs in Resource Poor Settings
Advisor: M. Pagano
Loni Patrice Philip. Multilevel Models for Zero-Inflated Count Data in Environmental Health and Health Disparities Research
Advisor: B. Coull
Melissa Jean Whitney. Accounting for Uncertainty in Environmental Health Risk Assessment
Advisor: L. Ryan
Thomas John Hoffmann. Contributions to Multivariate Association Models for Nuclear Families
Advisor: N. Laird
Justin Daniel Manjourides. Distance Based Methods for Space Time Modelling of the Health of Populations
Advisor: M. Pagano
Megan Kay Diane Othus. Survival Analysis with Complex Censoring Mechanisms with Applications in Population-based Studies and Clinical Trials
Advisor: Y. Li
Michael Chiao-An Wu. Statistical Methods for High-Dimensional Genomic Data
Advisor: X. Lin
Martin Joseph Ankrah Aryee. Leveraging Hidden Correlations in High-Dimensional Biological Data
Advisor: J. Quackenbush
Xavier Basagana. Design of Observational Longitudinal Studies
Advisor: D. Spiegelman
Xiao Ding. Family-Based Association Tests with Longitudinal Measurements
Advisor: N. Laird
David William Fardo. Statistical Issues in Genome-wide Association Studies
Advisor: C. Lange
Bethany Lynn Hedt. Novel Methods for Efficient Surveillance and Monitoring
Advisor: M. Pagano
Patrick Michael Loerch. Using Mixed Effects Models to Integrate High-Dimensional, Genomic Data and an Array-Based Analysis of the Evolution of Brain Aging
Advisor: C. Li
Jessica Cara Mar. Stochastics and Networks in Genomic Data
Advisor: J. Quackenbush
Kaveh Maghsoudi. Transcript Mapping with Genome Tiling Microarrays
Advisors: J. Quackenbush and X. Liu
Melissa Graham Naylor. Novel Multivariate and Bayesian Approaches to Genetic Association Testing and Integrated Genomics
Advisor: C. Lange
Lixia Pei. Design and Analysis of Quantile Equivalence Bridging Trials
Advisor: M. Hughes
Roman J. Torgovitsky. Resampling Methods for High-Dimensional Data and Nonparametric Regression with Applications to Brain Imaging, Bioinformatics, and Sleep / Circadian Medicine
Advisor: V. DeGruttola
Lu Wang. Nonparametric and Semiparametric Regression with Missing Data
Advisor: X. Lin
Rui Wang. Nonparametric Methods for Inference After Variable Selection, Comparisons of Survival Distributions, and Random Effects Meta-Analysis, and Reporting of Subgroup Analyses
Advisor: S. Lagakos
Jing (Jenny) Zhang. Novel Methodologies for the Analysis of Complex Failure Time Data and Alternative Progression-Free Survival Estimators
Advisor: M. Wang
Stacia Marie DeSantis. Supervised and Unsupervised Latent Class Models for High-Dimensional Data
Advisor: R. Betensky
David Andrew Engler. Novel Statistical Modeling and Selection Methodologies for High Dimensional Genomic Data
Advisor: R. Betensky
Brian Curran Healy. Combining Retrospective and Prosepective Data in Characterizing Accumulation of Antiviral Drug Resistance Mutations
Advisor: V. DeGruttola
William Evan Johnson. Statistical Models for Removing Microarray Batch Effects and Analyzing Genome Tiling Microarrays
Advisors: J. Liu and X. Liu
Lingling Li. Robust Inference Using Higher Order Influence Functions
Advisor: J. Robins
Samuel Alexander McDaniel. The Analyses of Array CGH Data and Current Status Data
Advisor: T. Cai
Liliana del Carmen Orellana. Methodological Challenges for the Estimation of Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes from Observational Studies
Advisor: A. Rotnitzky
Caitlin Thomas Ravichandran. Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and State-Change Processes
Advisor: V. DeGruttola
Ronnie Alex Sebro. Assessing the Impact of Population Stratification on Both Genomewide Case-Control Association Studies and on Family-Based Studies
Advisor: N. Laird
James E. Signorovitch. Identifying Informative Biological Markers in High-Dimensional Genomic Data and Clinical Trials
Advisor: L. J. Wei
Armando Rogério Teixeira-Pinto. Multivariate Analysis of Non-commensurate Outcomes
Advisor: S-L. Normand
Peng Zhang. Analyses of Periodic Observations and Time Series Data with Applications to HIV Prevention and State-Space Models
Advisor: S. Lagakos
Amy Marie Carey. Dose Response Models for Mixed Dependent Outcomes in Developmental Toxicity
Advisor: P. Catalano
Melody Serene Goodman. Statistical Methods for Community-Based Cancer Interventions and Health Disparities Research
Advisor: Y. Li
Beth Ann Griffin. Inference for Failure Time Data Subject to Interrupted Hazards to Interval Censoring
Advisor: S. Lagakos
Alexandros Gryparis. Bayesian Semiparametric Regression Methods With Application to Environmental Epidemiology
Advisor: B. Coull
Yu Guo. Statistical Issues in Microarray Data Analysis, Array-to-Array Normalization, Empirical Bayes Batch Effect Adjustment, and Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient in the Context of Replicated Experiments
Advisor: C. Li
Amy Jo Murphy. Novel Methodologies for Genetic Association Testing
Advisor: C. Lange
Julie Sanae Najita. Statistical Issues in the Design and Analysis of Developmental Toxicity Studies
Advisor: P. Catalano
Margaret Claire Nikolov. Statistical Methods for Assessing Source-Specific Health Effects of Air Pollution
Advisor: B. Coull
Natasa Rajicic. Survival Analysis of Longitudinal Microarray Data
Advisors: D. Finkelstein and D. Schoenfeld
Cyril Slavchov Rakovski. Contributions to Family-Based Association Tests in Candidate Genes
Advisor: N. Laird
Mikhail Peter Salganik. Biomedical Applications of Smoothing and Feature Significance
Advisors: M. Wand / J. Ware
Brisa Ney Sanchez Loya. Structural Equation Models: Fitting, Diagnostics, and Applications to Environmental Epidemiology
Advisor: L. Ryan
Jennifer Anne Schumi. Resampling-Based Methods for Multiple Hypothesis Testing
Advisor: V. DeGruttola
Chang-Heok Soh. Bias-Reduction in Variable Selection and the Analysis of Competing Risks with Missing Covariate Values with Right-Censored Data
Advisor: D. Harrington
Eric Joel Tchetgen Tchetgen. Statistical Methods for Robust Inference in Causal and Missing Data Models
Advisor: J. Robins
Tyler John VanderWeele. Contributions to the Theory of Causal Directed Acycle Graphs
Advisor: J. Robins
Elizabeth Ann Whalen. Creating Linked, Interactive Views of Multivariate Data
Advisor: R. Gentleman
Laura Forsberg White. Statistical Methods for the Detection and Quantification of Infectious Disease Epidemics
Advisor: M. Pagano
Andrea Jean Cook. Detecting Spatial Clustering for Discrete, Censored, or Longitudinal Outcomes
Advisor: Y. Li
Dionne Alicbusan Graham. Statistical Methods for the Analysis of HIV Drug-Resistance Data
Advisor: M. Pagano
Jaroslaw Harezlak. Using Functional Regression Models to Analyze Longitudinal Data
Advisor: N. Laird
Yannis Jemiai. Semiparametric Methods for Inferring Treatment Effects on Outcomes Defined Only If a Post-Randomization Event Occurs
Advisor: A. Rotnitzky
Ming-Chih Kao. Computational and Statistical Approaches to the Study of the Genetic Bases of Human Diseases
Advisor: W. Wong
Ryung Suk Kim. Microarray Analysis: Choice of Metric, New Clustering Algorithm and Identification of Transcription Factors
Advisor: W. Wong
Larry Frank Leon. Robust Inference and Model Checking Techniques for Censored Linear Regression Models
Advisor: L.J. Wei
Ming Lin. Statistical Methods in SNP-Array-Based Loss-of-Heterozygosity Studies
Advisor: W. Wong
Heather Jeanne Litman. Estimation of Marginal Regression Models with Multiple Source Predictors
Advisor: N. Laird
David Michael Loecke. Mixed Effects Mean Score Method, Optimal Design for Two-Stage Longitudinal Studies in a GEE Framework, and Addition of Covariates to a Markov Model Approach for Characterizing Progression of HIV Genetic Mutations
Advisors: V. DeGruttola and L. Ryan
Abigail Goren Matthews. Analysis of Family Studies of Disease
Advisor: D. Finkelstein
John Hugh Page. Doubly Robust Estimation: Structural Nested Cumulative Failure Time Models, Correction of the Diagnostic Likelihood Ratio for Verification Bias
Advisors: J. Robins / A. Rotnitzky
Ping Kathryn Ruan. Methodology for Failure Time Data With Missing Cause of Failure or Dependent Censoring
Advisor: R. Gray
Maria D. Shubina. On Maximum Attainable Correlation for the Sarmanov Family of Bivariate Distributions, Bayesian Analysis for Markers and Degradation, and Threshold Models with Markers Measured Before Observed Event Times
Advisor: M. L. Lee
Suzanne Eleanor Szwarc. Statistical Models for Fertility-Related Issues in Adjuvant Treatment for Breast Cancer
Advisor: M. Wang
Bin Zhang. Statistical Methods with Unrecognized Heterogeneity in Survival Data Analysis, Identifying Family Relationships in Genetic Studies, and Response-Related Incomplete Data
Advisor: R. Betensky
Lu (Summer) Zheng. Contributions To Analysis Of Randomized Multi-Center Clinical Trials: The Role Of Conditioning
Advisor: M. Zelen
Sheng (Richard) Zhong. Computational and Statistical Approaches to Study Gene Regulation and Gene Function
Advisor: W. Wong
Jared Caleb Christensen. Likelihood Methods for Clustered Discrete and Continuous Outcomes in Developmental Toxicology
Advisor: P. Catalano
Beiying Ding. Analysis of High Dimensional Data: Classification, Measurement Error Model and Graph Based Association Measures, with Application to Microarray Data
Advisor: R. Gentleman
Xuemin Fang. Probe-Level Microarray Analyses: A Random Effect Model To Estimate Cross-Hybridization In Expression Index Computation
Advisor: W. Wong
Emily Clare Martin. Survival Analysis Under Dependent Truncation of Failure Time
Advisor: R. Betensky
Lisa Carol Miller. Statistical Issues In The Evaluation Of Tests For Diagnosing Disease And Monitoring Disease Progression
Advisor: M. Hughes
Yuhyun Park. Semiparametric Statistical Inference in Survival Analysis
Advisor: L. J. Wei
Denise Marie Scholtens. Studies in Multidimensional Data: Estimation of the Bivariate Survival Curve, Analysis of Factorial Designed Microarray Experiments, Identification of Protein Complex Membership
Advisor: R. Gentleman
Carrie Greene Wager. Mixed-Model Smoothing for Replicated Spatial Point Patterns in Brain Microscopy
Advisor: F. Vaida
Kenneth Joseph Wilkins. Marginally-Specified Conditional Models for Longitudinal Outcomes with Possibly Non-Ignorable Non-Response
Advisor: G. Fitzmaurice
Yihua Zhao. General Design Bayesian Generalized Linear Mixed Models with Applications to Spatial Statistics
Advisor: M. Wand and B. Coull
Cassandra Arroyo. High Dimensional Data Analysis With Applications To Diabetes Prevention and Physical Activity Data
Advisor: L. Ryan
Meredith Anne Goldwasser. Semi-Parametric Methods for Heteroscedastic Quantile Regression with Application to HIV Research
Advisor: M. Hughes
Eugene Andres Houseman. Distribution Diagnostics for Time Series and Clustered Outcomes with Applications to Environmental Data
Advisor: B. Coull
Minhee Kang. Discrete-State, Continuous-Time Stochastic Processes with Applications to HPV
Advisor: S. Lagakos
Liam Morgan O’Brien. Methods for the Analysis Longitudinal Multiple Source Data and Multiple Predictor Data
Advisor: G. Fitzmaurice
Nusrat Sultana Retina Rabbee. Power Studies: I. Power and Sample Size for Ordered Categorical Data; II. Power Calculations for Familial Aggregation Studies; III. Power Calculations for Selective Genotyping in QTL Mapping in Backcrosses
Advisor: R. Betensky
Kevin Don Roberts. Latent Predictor Models With Applications to Asthma
Advisor: L. Ryan
Amy Lynn Stubbendick. Likelihood-based Inference for Longitudinal Models with Nonignorable Missing Response and Covariate Data
Advisor: J. Ibrahim
Chien-Cheng (George) Tseng. Low-level Analysis, Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning, and Related Issues in Microarray Analysis
Advisor: W. Wong
Rajalakshmi Balasubramanian. Estimation of a Failure Time Distribution Based on Imperfect Diagnostic Tests, with Application to HIV Vertical Transmission Studies
Advisor: S. Lagakos
Elizabeth Renata Brown. Bayesian Methods for Jointly Modeling Longitudinal and Survival Data
Advisor: J. Ibrahim
Karen Eckstein Han. Exact Analysis of Multiple Binary Outcomes with Application to Neurotoxicity
Advisor: P. Catalano
Bhaswati Ganguli. Feature Significance and Geo-Additive Models
Advisor: M. Wand
Jie (Jenny) Huang. Regression with High Dimensional Covariates on Censored Data Analysis
Advisor: D. Harrington
Stephen Lister Lake. The Genetic Dissection of Complex Traits: Tests of Genetic Association and Gene-Environment Interaction
Advisor: N. Laird
Patricia Lynette Stephenson. Noncompliance in Randomized Clinical Trials and the Potential Benefit of Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer
Advisor: R. Gray
Maxwell Su. Methods for the Analysis of Quality-of-Life Outcomes in Clinical Trials
Advisor: M. Testa
Mahlet Getachew Tadesse. Bayesian Models for Gene Expression Analysis
Advisor: J. Ibrahim
Lu Tian. Statistical Model for Nonconstant Covariate Effect
Advisor: L.J. Wei
Theodore (Hatch) Whitfield. Nonparametric Species Richness Estimators for Populations with Extreme Heterogeneity Among Capture Probabilities
Advisor: K. Kuntz
Zi-Fan Yu. Regression Techniques for Quantitative Risk Assessment of Continuous Outcomes in Toxicology
Advisor: P. Catalano
Scarlett LaShaunta Bellamy. Clustered Data Methods with Applications to Community-Based Research
Advisor: L. Ryan
Jolene Marie Birmingham. Methods for Analysing Longitudinal and Clustered Binary Responses
Advisor: N. Laird
Erin Elizabeth Kammann. Geoadditive and Robust Mixed Models
Advisor: M. Wand
Knashawn Hodge Morales. Statistical Methods for Risk Assessment Based on Epidemiological Data
Advisor: L. Ryan
Anthony Paul Fitzgerald. Modeling Response to Anti-Viral Treatment Using Non-Linear Mixed Effects Models
Advisor: V. De Gruttola
Aaron Moree Foster. Auxiliary Information for Strengthening Predictions and Nonparametric Transformation Estimation
Advisor: M. Pagano
Andrea Goldin Foulkes. Prediction Based Classification: Characterizing the Relationship between HIV-1 Genotype and Response to Treatment
Advisor: V. De Gruttola
Jonathan Lloyd French. Analysis of Environmental Health Data with Missing Values
Advisor: M. Wand
Stefan Horvath. Dealing with Missing Data in Family-Based Allelic Association Studies
Advisor: N. Laird
Anna T. R. Legedza. Bayesian Approaches to the Design of Phase I Clinical Trials
Advisor: J. Ibrahim
David Michael Shera. Bayesian Factor Analysis
Advisor: J. Ibrahim
Mary Elizabeth Blackwell. Random Effects Latent Variable Models for Multivariate Ordinal Bioassays
Advisor: P. Catalano
Tianxi Cai. Analysis of Correlated Failure Time Data
Advisor: L.J. Wei
Debbie Mein-Pay Cheng. Analysis of Data From Eradication Studies of Chronic Viral Infections
Advisor: S. Lagakos
Christopher David Corcoran. Computational Methods for Exact Inference with Correlated and Uncorrelated Binary Data
Advisor: C. Mehta
Amy Helen Herring. Missing Covariates in Survival Analysis
Advisor: J. Ibrahim
Nicholas Horton. Use of Multiple Informant Data as a Predictor in Psychiatric Epidemiology
Advisor: N. Laird
Cheryl Lynnette Jones. Model Checking and Analysis Strategies for Correlated Survival Data
Advisor: D. Harrington
Helen Parise. Semiparametric Smoothing Methods for the Analysis of Animal Carcinogenicity Experiments
Advisor: L. Ryan
Peter John Slasor. Joint Models for Survival and Repeated Measures Data
Advisor: N. Laird
Judith Bebchuk. Analysis of Survival Data Accompanied by Intermediate Events that May be Right of Interval Censored
Advisor: R. Betensky
Rino Bellocco. Modification of HIV Back-Calculation Models
Advisor: M. Pagano
M. Patricia Bernardo. Designs for Studies with Failure Time Random Variables
Advisor: D. Harrington
Matteo Bottai. Asymptotic Inference in One-Dimensional Parametric Models When the Fisher Information Is Zero
Advisor: A. Rotnitzky
Jason Fine. Analysis of Competing Risks Data with Non-Proportional Hazards Models
Advisor: L.J. Wei
Mary Morrissey. Misclassification, Nonignorable Nonresponse, and Mismeasurement
Advisor: D. Spiegelman
Mary Putt. Aspects of the Analysis of Crossover Trials
Advisor: V. DeGruttola
Meredith Regan. Models for Clustered and Discrete Outcomes in Developmental Toxicology
Advisor: P. Catalano
Xiaolin Wang. Contributions to Statistical Genetics and Survival Analysis
Advisor: N. Laird
Zhenyu Wang. Nonparametric Estimating Equations for Longitudinal Data
Advisor: R. Gray
Janice Weinberg. Two Sample Linear Rank and Permutation Tests Under General Alternatives, with Application to Summary Measures
Advisor: S. Lagakos
Beow Yeap. Robust Interference in Hierarchical Non-linear Models
Advisor: M. Davidian
Constantine Daskalakis. Analysis of Categorical Data in Psychiatric Epidemiological Studies.
Advisors: G. Zahner and S. Lipsitz
William Bernard Goggins III. Monte Carlo EM Methods for Analyzing Survival Data in the Presence of Interval Censoring.
Advisor: D. Finkelstein
Akiko Okamoto. Penalized Likelihood Estimation for Censored Data Models and Investigation of Likelihood Methods for Nonignorably Missing Data.
Advisor: R. Gray
Julie Alpher Scharfstein. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and AIDS: Methods and Application.
Advisor: M. Weinstein
Qian Li. Marginal Methods for Analyzing Multivariate Survival Data.
Advisor: S. Lagakos
Shu Zhang. Statistical Models for Informative Dropout and Feedback Between Outcomes and Covariates.
Advisor: L. Ryan
Hong-wei Zhao. Survival Analysis of Quality Adjusted Lifetime.
Advisor: A. Tsiatis
Janet Andersen. Missing Outcomes in Clinical Trials: Considerations for Failure-Time and Longitudinal Data.
Advisor: L. Ryan
Hélène Boucher. Design and Analysis of Group Sequential Clinical Trials with Survival Data.
Advisors: K. Kim and A. Tsiatis
Li Chen. Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Correlated Observations.
Advisor: L.J. Wei
Ori Davidov. Contributions to Statistical Methodology in Cancer Research.
Advisor: M. Zelen
Michael Reid Elashoff. Individualized Treatment for HIV/AIDS.
Advisor: S. Lagakos
Karen Higgins. Statistical Methods for Nonlinear Models with Measurement Error with Application to Pharmacokinetics and Calibration in Immunoassay.
Advisor: M. Davidian
Ping Hu. Statistical Methods to Account for the Bias in Measurement Errors on Reporting Delay and Planning Clinical Trials to Evaluate Early Detection Progress.
Advisor: A. Tsiatis and M. Zelen
Soyeon Kim. Covariates in Survival Studies, Topics in Design and Analysis.
Advisor: V. De Gruttola.
Kenneth Kleinman. Applications of Markov Chain Monte Carlo to Longitudinal Repeated Measures: Missing Data and Semi-Parametric Effects Models.
Advisor: J. Ibrahim
Qing Jane Liang. The Proportional Hazards Model and Interval-Censored Data.
Advisor: M. Pagano
John Joseph Rogus. An Extension of WPC to Test for Linkage in the Presence of Gene-Environment Interaction and Applications to NIDDM and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Advisor: D. Harrington
Daniel Oscar Scharfstein. Semi-Parametric Efficiency: Implications for the Design and Analysis of Group Sequential Studies.
Advisor: A. Tsiatis
Qi Zeng. Topics in Calibration Inference for Immunoassay.
Advisor: M. Davidian
Su-Chun Cheng. Analysis of Failure Time Data with Linear Transformation Models.
Advisor: L.J. Wei
Michael Joseph Daniels. Hierarchical Regression Models with Applications.
Advisor: C. Gatsonis
Joseph William Hogan. Mixture Models for Incomplete Longitudinal and Event Time Data.
Advisor: N. Laird
Christina Ann Holcroft. Design and Analysis of Multistage Studies with Missing Data.
Advisor: A. Rotnitzky
Isao Kamae. Formalization of Clinical Algorithms Using Automata Theory and Decision Analyses.
Advisor: R. Greenes
Hyungjin Myra Kim. Estimation of Individual and Population Noncompliance Using Longitudinal Marker Data, with Application to AIDS.
Advisor: S. Lagakos
Mary Dupuis Sammel. Latent Variable Models for Multiple Outcomes.
Advisor: L. Ryan
Amrik Shah. Random Effects Models for the Longitudinal Measures of Treatment Efficacy.
Advisor: D. Schoenfeld
Andrea Beth Troxel. Methods for the Analysis of Longitudinal Measurements Subject to Nonignorable Non-Monotone Missing Data.
Advisor: D. Harrington
Bei-Hung Chang. Methods for Analyzing Aggregate Data in Meta-Analysis.
Advisor: C. Waternaux
Sandra J. Lee. Group Sequential Monitoring of Clinical Trials with Multivariate Outcomes.
Advisor: K. Kim
Hung-Mo Lin. Assessing Treatment Changes on a Longitudinal Marker of Disease in Uncontrolled Studies.
Advisor: M. Hughes
Susan Murray. Nonparametric Estimation and Testing for Survival Data in the Two Sample Censored Data Problem Incorporating Longitudinal Covariates.
Advisor: A. Tsiatis
Anthony Rossini. Regression Models for Interval Censored Data.
Advisor: A. Tsiatis
Michael Wulfsohn Failure Time Processes and Longitudinal Data.
Advisor: A. Tsiatis
Robert Zackin. Methods for Estimating Viral Burden in HIV/AIDS.
Advisor: V. DeGruttola
Julia Bienias. Design and Analysis of Time-to-Pregnancy Studies.
Advisor: L. Ryan
Shelly Carter-Campbell. Proportional Hazards Models for Repeated Event Failure Time Data with Application to Rotavirus Infections.
Advisor: R. Gray
Urania Dafni. Evaluating Surrogate Markers of Clinical Outcome When Measured with Error.
Advisor: A. Tsiatis
Garrett Fitzmaurice. A Likelihood-Based Method for Analysing Longitudinal Binary Responses.
Advisor: N. Laird
Karen Keaney. Methods and Applications of Survival Analysis for Decision Modeling.
Advisor: M. Weinstein
Julie Legler. Statistical Analysis for Multiple Binary Outcomes: The Analysis of Birth Defects Data.
Advisor: L. Ryan
Elizabeth Mahoney. Compartmental Models for Doubly-Censored Failure Time Data With Applications To AIDS.
Advisor: J. Orav
Melvin Olson III. Contributions to Statistical Methodology of Longitudinal Data Analysis.
Advisor: N. Laird
Michael Parzen. Computational Methods in Robust Regression.
Advisor: D. Harrington
Marian Pugh. Inference in the Cox Proportional Hazards Model with Missing Covariate Data.
Advisor: D. Harrington
Pralay Senchaudhuri. Exact and Smart Monte Carlo Inferences for Contingency Tables.
Advisor: C. Mehta
Alicia Toledano. Generalized Estimating Equations for Repeated Ordinal Categorical Data, with Applications to Diagnostic Medicine.
Advisor: C. Gatsonis
John Williamson. Methods for the Analysis of Clustered, Correlated Data: Familial and Ophthalmological.
Advisor: K. Kim
Christl Donnelly. The Analysis of Correlation in Longitudinal and Spatial Data.
Advisor: N. Laird
Kimberlee Gauvreau. Multivariate Logistic Regression and Observational Studies.
Advisor: M. Pagano
Fu-Chang Hu. A Statistical Methodology for Analyzing the Causal Health Effect of a Time-Dependent Exposure from Longitudinal Data.
Advisor: J. Robins
Wendy Leisenring. Statistical Issues in Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity Studies.
Advisor: L. Ryan
Samantha MaWhinney Delson. AIDS: Estimation of Incidence and the Pediatric Incubation Distribution.
Advisor: M. Pagano
John Spritzler. A Group Sequential Test of Equal Response Rates When There Is a Lag Time in Reporting.
Advisor: A. Tsiatis
Robert Strawderman. Statistical Methods in the Surrogate Marker Problem.
Advisor: A. Tsiatis
Paul J. Catalano. Statistical Methods for Developmental Toxicology.
Advisor: L. Ryan
Jeffrey D. Dawson. Distribution-free Tests of Repeated Measures in Clinical Trials.
Advisor: S. Lagakos
Paul J. Elson. Group Sequential Clinical Trials – Efficient Methods for Computing Design Characteristics and the Effect of Lag Time.
Advisor: A. Tsiatis
Jane C. Lindsey. Statistical Methods for Partially Observed Three-State Processes.
Advisor: L. Ryan<
Masahiro Takeuchi. Parameter Estimation in Linear Models for Longitudinal Data with Mismeasured Covariates.
Advisor: J. Ware
Marc Buyse. Issues of Efficiency in Cancer Clinical Trials.
Advisor: M. Pagano
Joan F. Hilton. Exact Size and Power of Conditional Tests for Categorical Data.
Advisor: C. Mehta
Mimi Y. Kim. Statistical Methods for Estimating the Infectivity and Induction Period of AIDS with Incomplete Data.
Advisor: S. Lagakos
Jennifer Ng St. Louis. Compartmental Models of Chronic Disease.
Advisor: J. Orav
Sandro Pampallona. I – Alcohol Consumption and Breast Cancer; II – Group Sequential Methods for Clinical Trials.
Advisor: M. Zelen
Kathleen J. Propert. Methods for Smoothing Longitudinal Data Using Locally Weighted Generalized Least Squares Regression.
Advisor: D. Harrington
Michele S. Rivard. Statistical Issues in Rater Reliability and Disease Marker Validity.
Advisor: D. Amato
Lynn Sleeper. Regression Spline Methodology for Covariate Effects in the Proportional Hazards Model.
Advisor: D. Harrington
Melissa Dowd Begg. The Effects of Model Misspecification in Regression, with Applications to Bioassay.
Advisor: S. Lagakos
Kay M. Larholt. Statistical Methods and Heterogeneity in Meta-Analysis.
Advisor: R. Gelber
Donna Spiegelman. The Design and Analysis of Epidemiologic Investigations When the Exposure Variable is Mis-Measured, with Application to the Mis-Measurement of Obesity in Models of Diabetes, Hypertension and Colon Cancer Incidence.
Advisor: R. Gray
Catherine A. Spino. Rerandomization Algorithms for Robust Statistics and Regression with an Aggregate Covariate.
Advisor: M. Pagano
Steven J. Walsh. Design and Evaluation of Algorithms for Exact Conditional Inference Including Multivariate Rank Tests.
Advisor: C. Mehta
Fong Wang-Clow. Methods for Analysing Longitudinal Random Effects Models.
Advisor: N. Laird
Linda Archer. The Impact of Tumor Lethality on Statistical Tests for Carcinogenicity.
Advisor: L. Ryan
Jesse Berlin. Publication Bias: A Problem in Interpreting Medical Data.
Advisor: C. Begg
Roger Davis. Exponential Survival Trees.
Advisor: D. Schoenfeld
Daniel Geer, Jr.. A Knowledge-Based System for Epidemiologic Assessment.
Advisor: M. Pagano
Stuart R. Lipsitz. Methods for Analyzing Repeated Categorical Outcomes.
Advisor: N. Laird
Donna S. Neuberg. Enriching the Bootstrap, with Application to Incomplete Data.
Advisor: T. Louis / D. Schoenfeld
Anna N. Tosteson. Quantitative Diagnostic Technology Assessment: Methods and Applications.
Advisor: M. Weinstein
Layla Barraj Hammamy. The Analysis of Incomplete and Nonrepresentative Observations from Continuous Time Processes.
Advisor: S. Lagakos
Tor Tosteson. Surrogate Variables in Nonlinear Regression: Methods for Design and Analysis.
Advisor: J. Ware
Victor DeGruttola. Multivariate Models for Longitudinal Data, Diagnostics and Resistant Methods.
Advisor: J. Ware
Karim Hirji. Exact Logistic Regression.
Advisor: C. Mehta
Leslie Kalish. Efficient Design of Clinical Trials and Observational Epidemiologic Studies.
Advisor: C. Begg
Nicholas Lange. Influence Analysis for Proportional-Hazards and Longitudinal Random-Effects Models.
Advisor: N. Laird
Myrto Lefkopoulou. The Cox Regression Model with Discrete Failure Time Data.
Advisor: A. Tsiatis
Robert Glynn. Regression Estimates When Nonresponse Depends on the Outcome Variable.
Advisor: N. Laird
Gary Rosner. Issues in Design and Analysis of Group Sequential Clinical Trials.
Advisor:A. Tsiatis
William Accomando. Resistant Fitting and Diagnostic Methods for Discrete Data Analysis with Application to a Large Observational Data Set.
Advisor: M. Pagano
Stuart Baker. Markov Models for Categorical Longitudinal Data.
Advisor: C. Waternaux
Roger Day. A Tumor Growth Model with Applications to Treatment Policy and Protocol Choice.
Advisor: S. Lagakos
Morris Gold. Relative Efficiency of Mean Estimation Under Nested Covariance Structures.
Advisor: T. Louis
Katherine T. Halvorsen. Estimating Population Parameters Using Information from Several Independent Sources.
Advisor: F. Mosteller
Anne L. Hunt. Software Engineering in Health Research, with Emphasis on Virtual Memory Management.
Advisor: M. Pagano
Marcia Polansky. Robust Estimation with Applications to the Poisson Distribution.
Advisor: J. Bailar.
Rebecca Dersimonian. Combining Evidence from Different Sources.
Advisor: N. Laird
Robert Parker. A Bayesian Approach to the Design and Analysis of Case Control Studies.
Advisor: M. Zelen
Nancy R. Cook. A General Linear Model Approach to Longitudinal Data Analysis.
Advisor: J. Ware
Ellen Eisen. A Longitudinal Study of Pulmonary Function Among Vermont Granite Workers.
Advisor: D. Wegman
Robert Stiratelli. Random Effects Models for Serial Dichotomous Outcomes.
Advisor: J. Ware
Gregg Dinse. Non-Parametric Failure-Time Methods for Clinical and Laboratory Investigations.
Advisor: S. Lagakos
Harmon Jordan. Diffusion of Innovations in Burn Care.
Advisor: J. Hanley
Martin Larson. Statistical Methods for Discrete State Stochastic Processes.
Advisor: C. Begg
Catherine Berkey. Three Longitudinal Growth Models for Preschool Children: Comparison and Application.
Advisor: R. Reed
Gordon Flowerdew. Methodology for the Analysis of Survival Data.
Advisor: M. Zelen
Olli Heinonen. Congenital Cardiovascular Malformations and Drug Exposure in Utero.
Advisor: R. Monson
David Tritchler. Statistical Computation, Discrete Data Analysis, and Nonparametric Statistics.
Advisor: M. Pagano
Marcia Levenstein. Alternative Regression Methods in the Presence of Multi-Collinear Regressors.
Advisor: Y. Bishop
Mary Anne Maher Matthews. A Statistical Pattern Recognition Problem: The Classification of Serum Alpha1-Antitrypsin.
Advisor: Y. Bishop
Tsunpui Oswald Siu. P-Values in Statistical Inference for Discretely Distributed Variates.
Advisor: O.S. Miettineu
Nicole Urban. The Impact of Prospective Reimbursement on Hospital Financial Position in Downstate New York.
Advisor: R. Berry
Raymond K. Neff. Control of Confounding in Odds Ratio Estimation.
Advisor: J. Worcester
Jamie Pearl Eng. The Effect of Changes in Mortality Over Time on Several Demographic Measures.
Advisor: N. Keyfitz
Ralph L. Kent, Jr. Principal Components Analysis of Longitudinal Growth Data.
Advisor: M. Drolette
Stuart C. Hartz. An Evaluation of Bias in a Logistic Odds Ratio Function.
Advisor: R. Reed
Paula Helene Kanarek. Assessing Survival in a Diabetic Population.
Advisor: J.J. Feldman
Judith D. Goldberg. The Effects of Misclassification on the Analysis of Data in 2×2 Tables.
Advisor: M. Drolette
Alexander J. McLean. The Epidemiology of Pedestrian Highway Injury.
Advisor: R. Monson
Kenneth Rothman. Epidemiology of Trigeminal Neuralgia.
Advisor: R. Monson
Phyllis B. Michelsen. Characteristics of an Actuarial Estimator of a T-Year Survival Risk.
Advisor: Y. Bishop
Ronald E. Wyzga. A Statistical Analysis of the Relationship Between Daily Mortality and Air Pollution Levels.
Advisor: J. Mahoney
Joseph K. Wagoner. Radiation Therapy for Gynecological Disorders and Subsequent Leukemia, Uterine Sarcoma, and Other Malignancies.
Advisor: B. MacMahon
Margaret B. Hoff. Matching Criterion for Continuous Bivariate Distributions.
Advisor: J.J. Feldman
Charles Ralph Buncher. Sex Ratio—A Multivariable Analysis with Comments on Gestation, Birth Weight, and Neonatal Death.
Advisor: J. Worcester
Louis M.F. Masse. Seasonal Changes in Health Statistics in Some West African Urban Communities.
Advisor: J. Worcester
David M. Nitzberg. The Methodology of Record Linkage.
Advisor: R. Reed
Manning Feinleib, M.D. Artificial Menopause and Breast Cancer: A Retrospective Cohort Study.
Advisor: G. Hutchinson
Earl S. Pollack. Multi-Factorial Analysis of Psychiatric Admission Rates.
Advisor: J. Worcester
Carl L. Erhardt. Pregnancy Losses in New York City.
Marvin N. Glasser. Factors Related to the Survival of Children with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia.
Daniel G. Siegel. Analysis of Withdrawal Bias in a Cohort Study.
Advisor: R. Reed.
Abelardo Temoche. Suicide and Known Mental Disease.
Rubin Domke. Social Class and the Childhood Diseases.
Anthony Bartholemay. Stochastic Apporoach to Chemical Reaction Kinetics.
Advisor: H. Meunch
Jane Worcester. The Epidemiology of Streptococcal and Non-Streptococcal Respiratory Disease.
Advisor: E.B. Wilson