Career Development Series – Upcoming Events
Please feel free to share your ideas for this series or contact Dr. Erin Lake.
Lunchtime Career Chat with Colloquium Speakers Dr. Fernanda Viegas and Dr. Martin Wattenberg
Thursday Feb 9, 2023 | 1:00 – 2:00pm | Room 426 in-person
See the Colloquium announcement and emails from Katie Pietrini for more info on these very special guests and their exciting research and unique career paths! ‘Colloquium speaker Lunchtime Career Chats’ (organized with Dr. Hejazi, Dr. Duan and Dr. Lake this year) are separate from the colloquium talks and reserved specifically to be informal, career-based discussions with our invited colloquium speakers, over lunch.
Looking ahead: Visit with department alumna Emma Thomas, PhD Biostatistics ’20, Data Scientist at Google
Tuesday March 21, 2023 | 1:00 – 2:00pm | Hybrid
Around the School: OCPD at HSPH and OCS at GSAS – Peruse their Canvas/websites respectively for calendars of events (which during Feb include workshops on resumes/CVs, interviews, salary negotiation, and LinkedIn), and register on Brazen for The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Spring Virtual Internship and Practicum Fair (to be held Feb 10) to connect with leading public health employers and practicum host organizations.