Career Development Series – 11/18
If you are interested in joining us as a guest speaker, or have ideas regarding this series, please contact Dr. Erin Lake and/or enter your ideas via this sheet. Students should also watch the event calendars and resources at the OCPD at Harvard Chan and at the OCS at GSAS.
Statistical Innovation at Servier: Leveraging Innovative Clinical Trial Designs to Bring Life-Changing Drugs to Patients Faster
*All students, postdocs, faculty welcome
Monday, November 18
(look out for RSVP calendar invite and signups, from Katie Pietrini)
A Seminar Talk and Visit with Dr. Sammi Tang, VP & Head of Global Biometrics, Servier – as well as Zhaoyang Teng and Jian Zhu, Biostatistics Directors, Servier2:30-4:30pm | Chair’s Conference room | 20 min slots (look out for sign up from Katie Pietrini)
Individual and group meetings with Dr. Sammi Tang
Join Dr. Erin Lake, fellow students, and postdocs as we hear (1-2pm) from these special guests on an array of topics and case examples in drug development including adaptive platform designs, real-world and historical data, quantitative decision making involving meta-analysis and surrogate endpoints, advanced analytics incorporating ML/AI, external data borrowing, multi-regional trial regulatory guidance, and more.
Sign up for individual and group meeting slots with Dr. Tang following the seminar talk (2:30-4:30pm).
Dr. Rui (Sammi) Tang is a leading pharmaceutical executive with extensive experience across the drug development spectrum, from preclinical research to market access, with a particular focus on the innovation of drug development processes, a strong focus on AI/ML-driven innovation and using external data in trial design. As the VP, Global Head of Biometrics at Servier, she shapes the company’s data strategy and leads teams in quantitative medicine, data stewardship, biostatistics, programming, and medical writing. Her expertise includes leveraging Generative AI for regulatory documentation automation and using real-world data for evidence generation.