BCASA Boston Pharmaceutical Symposium – 10/7
The Boston Chapter of the American Statistical Association (BCASA) invites you all to attend the 2022 Boston Pharmaceutical Symposium on October 7, 2022 at Pfizer, Building 2, Kendall Sq, Cambridge MA.
As an annual event, the Boston Pharmaceutical Symposium provides a unique venue for sharing statistical applications and research in the biotech-pharma industry, and building connections among all colleagues of the Greater Boston area engaged in the industry statistical practice. We welcome the participation from industry statisticians, academia researchers, as well as university students and any professionals who are interested in pharmaceutical statistical topics.
The 2022 Boston Pharmaceutical Symposium will be a full-day event, featuring a series of invited talks, a poster session, and networking opportunities.
Keynote Speaker: Sandeep M. Menon, PhD, Senior Vice President and the Head of Early Clinical Development at PfizerSee website for more details