Xihong Lin Attends White House Roundtable Meeting with the OSTP Director on the Role of Diversity in US Leadership in Science and Technology
On Friday, March 2nd, 2024, at the invitation of the White House, Xihong Lin attended a roundtable meeting hosted at the White House. The meeting brought together the Asian American Scholar Forum (AASF) Board members with Director Dr. Arati Prabhakar of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), Deputy Assistant to the President and Asian American and Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander Senior Liaison Erika L. Moritsugu, along with other White House staff. The roundtable discussed the vital role of diversity in the US science and technology ecosystem and strategies to maintain the nation’s global leadership in research and innovation. Dr. Lin represented the AASF as a speaker during the roundtable discussion. Thanks go to the White House and the OSTP for warmly welcoming Asian American scholars to the White House and recognizing their invaluable contributions to the science and technology landscape of the United States. https://twitter.com/WHOSTP/status/1764712085592719835