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2023 PQG Conference – Oct 17-18

2023 PQG Conference: Diversity in Genetics and GenomicsJoseph Martin Conference Center in Boston, MA Oct 17-18, 2023Diversity in genetic and genomics has been increasingly embraced not only for enabling more powerful studies but also because of the pressing necessity to avoid further exacerbation of structured inequalities in our healthcare system and to potentially chart a path forward for their amelioration. We have witnessed tremendous efforts in recent years to improve participant and workforce diversity in genetics and genomics, encompassing various aspects including the inclusion of diverse groups in discovery and functional studies and translational efforts to empower or pave the road for equitable clinical impact. The 2023 PQG conference will focus on quantitative methods, applications in multiple big science efforts, as well as historical context and future directions to more effectively promote diversity in genetics and genomics.The conference will be centered on the following three topics:SESSION I: Diversity for gene mapping and studying variant functionsSESSION II: Diversity for translational genetics: polygenic risk and clinical implementationSESSION III: How do we move forward while acknowledging the past? Keynote Speakers:Catherine Tcheandjieu Gueliatcha Gladstone InstituteEimear Kenny Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. SinaiVence Bonham Jr National Human Genome Research InstituteDistinguished Speakers:Tian Ge Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Harvard Medical School (HMS)Paola Giusti-Rodriguez University of FloridaHailiang Huang MGH, HMS, the Broad InstituteAlicia Martin MGH, HMS, the Broad InstituteDaphne O. Martschenko Stanford UniversityBogdan Pasaniuc University of California, Los AngelesLaura Raffield UNC School of MedicineJason Vassy Brigham and Women’s HospitalThe conference program includes time for scientific presentations and a virtual poster session for submitted abstracts. Please visit the conference website for more details.*Top abstracts will be selected as stellar abstract award winners to be presented as 10-minute platform talks.

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